[Air-L] CfP: journal gamevironments 2023

Lisa Kienzl kienzl at uni-bremen.de
Thu Oct 20 07:01:03 PDT 2022

Dear all,

we are currently looking for contributions for the upcoming /Regular 
Issue 2023/ of the peer-reviewed open-access journal /gamevironments/ - 
deadline for full paper submission is February 1, 2023. Please find 
further details below.

Best wishes,

Lisa Kienzl
managing editor /gamevironments/


Call for Papers: journal GAMEVIRONMENTS Regular Issue 2023


To further explore the multilayered socio-cultural and political 
contexts of video games and gaming, the international peer-reviewed 
journal GAMEVIRONMENTS is calling for submissions for its Regular Issue 

The journal follows a fixed timeline for the Regular Issue:
1. February 2023: Full Chapter Submission
15. March 2023: Review Results Returned
1. May 2023: Revised Chapter Submission
summer Online-Publication

GAMEVIRONMENTS seeks to explore both established approaches and new 
frontiers of researching video games/gaming as related to culture and 
society. The journal encourages inter- and multidisciplinary works 
combining for example Cultural Studies, History, Religious studies, 
Theology, Ludology, and Psychology. All submitted articles will be 
reviewed on a double-blind peer-review basis.


Video games are full of images, so it would be a good idea to include 
some of them, illustrating your argumentation. But, for any image, you 
need to hold the copyright. Please ensure that! Before publishing with 
the journal, you need to sign a copyright declaration which we provide. 
Please submit all images as .jpg or .png file(s) due to formatting issues.

Besides your contribution, we need keywords (up to 10), an abstract of 
up to 200 words, and a brief biographical paragraph (100 to 150 words) 
with your current institutional address and email address. Please 
consult the gamevironments submission style sheet before submitting your 
paper, as well as the Help Desk for some general principles. You find 
all information on our journal website: 

There is no article processing charge. If you are ready, just submit 
your manuscript via our journal website: 
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us directly: 
games2 at uni-bremen.de.



We include different categories of texts in our journal:

a) regular academic articles
Articles should be between 5.000 and 10.000 words in length. In general, 
a clear structure is of course helpful to understand your argumentation 
and should include an introduction, discussion of the relevance of your 
idea, theoretical frame, used method(s) and case study. Articles are 
subjected to an external double-blind peer review process.

b) reports
Sometimes you may just want to give an impression of your current 
research or an introduction to a new project. Also, you should get 
applause in case you acquired some money out of the roughly 5% of 
successful third-party funding. Please feel free to do so :) Reports 
should give insight into a new project, idea/concept or other forms of 
current research. An analytical and critical approach towards your main 
questions is central. Further, include relevant 
theoretical/methodological approaches as well as aspects of necessary 
future research. In general, such reports should be between 3000 and 
5000 words in length. They are not peer-reviewed, but we as journal 
editors (or in the case of a special issue the guest editors) will give 
some feedback if necessary.

c) interviews
Next to academic articles we are interested in projects related to 
games, gamers, gaming and religion, culture, and society. For instance, 
if you have an interview with a game designer, a pedagogue working with 
games, etc., please feel free to share it in our journal! In your 
contribution, please provide information why the interview is relevant 
for this research area and include possible implications or interesting 
aspects for future research. In general, interviews should be between 
2000 and 7000 words in length. They are not peer-reviewed, but we as 
journal editors (or in the case of a special issue the guest editors) 
will give some feedback if necessary.

d) book reviews
There is a flow in publications dealing with games and gaming, so it 
could be interesting to introduce and discuss some of them. If you are 
reading a new book that you think can be helpful for other researchers, 
feel free to propose a review. Authors should critically engage with the 
book. A book review should consist of an introduction, a main section 
that connects your critical thoughts on the book to existing research 
and points out relevant aspects of necessary future research, as well as 
a conclusion with some general thoughts about the book. Reviews should 
be around 1000 words. Please note that in most cases, the journal will 
not be able to provide a free copy for reviews, but will try to source a 
free copy for you.

e) game reviews
Due to the fact that we are a games journal that wants to collect, 
systematize and further develop the various recent multidisciplinary 
approaches in the research area, we need to know our way around in our 
field, namely GAMES! So, if you are playing a game which you think can 
be an interesting and promising object of investigation, please send us 
proposals for a game review.
Authors should critically engage with the game and its context in a 
scientific way. A game review should consist of an introduction, a main 
section that connects your critical thoughts to existing research and 
points out relevant aspects of necessary future research, as well as a 
conclusion. Reviews should be around 1000 words. Please note that in 
most cases, the journal will not be able to provide a free copy for reviews.


Dr. Dr. Lisa Kienzl

(sie/ihr | she/her)

Literaturen und Medien der Religion | Institut für Religionswissenschaft und Religionspädagogik

Lab "Media and Religion" | ZeMKI, Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research

Managing editor gamevironments

Universität Bremen
Sportturm (SpT)
Postfach 330 440
28359 Bremen
T. +49 (0)421 218 67912

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