[Air-L] PhD admissions in Critical Information Studies at Yale American Studies

Posada, Julian julian.posada at yale.edu
Fri Oct 21 13:20:20 PDT 2022

Dear colleagues,

The American Studies program at Yale University recruits its next cohort of PhD students. Adding to our strengths in history, politics, and questions of race and gender in American Studies with a transnational lens, we can now supervise in areas related to critical information studies.

New areas of supervision include platforms studies, digital labor, critical data studies, artificial intelligence and society, digital warfare, and migration and technology.

Some points about the PhD program:

  *   The program is fully funded for all students for six years. Our yearly stipend was US$38,300 (~US$3,200 per month) in 2022-23.
  *   International candidates are considered equal to local candidates for admission. We don't have quotas or fewer funding opportunities for them.
  *   No GRE is required.
  *   The US$105 application fee can be waived for candidates documenting financial hardship, including international applicants.
  *   The application deadline for American Studies is December 15, 2022.

For more information about the program visit: https://americanstudies.yale.edu/graduate-program

For information about admissions: https://gsas.yale.edu/admissions/degree-program-application-process

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