[Air-L] WEBCAST OCT 29 - Session 5 Community Network Exchange Asia Pacific 2022

Joly MacFie joly at punkcast.com
Fri Oct 28 21:54:11 PDT 2022

Starting at 04:30 UTC, this is the 5th of 5 monthly CNXAPAC 2022 sessions.
October's case studies are:

Case 11 - Apatani Tribes Ziro Valley Community Network, Arunachal Pradesh
Case 12 - The Fishermen Community Network of Chirala, Andhra Pradesh, India
Case 13  - Internet Roshnui - CN of Indeigenous Tribes of Tea Gradens,
Assam, India
Case 14  -  CR Bolo: IVR Enabled CN Mesh with Community Radio Bolo, Odisha,

Ritu Srivastava, Jadeite Solutions
Nani Monya, Ziro Wireless
Rajnesh Singh, Internet Society
Mohd. Niyaz, Radio Bulbul
Jane Coffin, Connect Humanity
Dr. Syed S. Kazi, Council for Social and Digital Development
Austin Macklin Kawa, Tea Garden Wireless
Amir Rahman, Digital Empowerment Foundation, Chirala
Fauziya Nasim, Network Engineer Specialist Trainer

Osama Manzar, Digital Empowerment Foundation

REAL TIME TEXT https://bit.ly/3SOXZ8n

[image: ISOC LIVE] <https://isoc.live/15544%20>From *Wednesday June 29 2022*
to *Saturday October 29 2022* the *Digital Empowerment Foundation
<https://defindia.org/>* and the *Internet Society
<https://www.internetsociety.org/regions/asia-pacific/>* host the *6th
annual Community Network Exchange Asia Pacific <https://cnxapac.org/#!/cnx>*
(CNXAPAC 2022) online, with the theme '*Walking the Talk with Internet,
Community and Networks
Each monthly session will feature two case studies.

*Wed June 29*: 10:00-12:00 IST / 1230-1430 SGT / 0430-0630 UTC
*Fri July 29*: 10:00-12:00 IST / 1230-1430 SGT / 0430-0630 UTC
*Mon August 29*: 10:00-12:00 IST / 1230-1430 SGT / 0430-0630 UTC
*Thu September 29*: 10:00-12:00 IST / 1230-1430 SGT / 0430-0630 UTC
*Sat October 29*: 10:00-12:00 IST / 1230-1430 SGT / 0430-0630 UTC

*LIVESTREAM http://livestream.com/internetsociety/cnxapac2022

*PARTICIPATE VIA ZOOM https://bit.ly/3bBThuL <https://bit.ly/3bBThuL>*

*REAL TIME TEXT (see ISOC.LIVE <https://isoc.live/15544>)*

*TWITTER #CNX2022 <https://bit.ly/cnxapac2022> @DEFindia @internetsociety
@isocapac #communitynetworks #GrowInternet #SwitchItOn*

*https://www.twitter.com/ISOC_Live/ <https://www.twitter.com/ISOC_Live/>*
*https://www.twitch.tv/isoclive <https://www.twitch.tv/isoclive>*
*https://www.facebook.com/liveisoc/ <https://www.facebook.com/liveisoc/>*
(AI Captions)
<https://www.facebook.com/isocasiapacific/>* (AI Captions)

Permalink: https://isoc.live/15544/


Joly MacFie  +12185659365

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