[Air-L] AOIR Discord?

Paul Levinson levinson.paul at gmail.com
Wed Oct 26 08:26:22 PDT 2022

For what it's worth, I don't think email and listservs are "an outdated way
to share, organize, search for, and apply
information.  People have been saying that for twenty years.  But, to the
contrary, email and listservs are an easy and reliable way to share
important information, and are usually preferable to the proliferation of
sites for this or that kind of conversation.

-- PL

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On Wed, Oct 26, 2022 at 11:08 AM Roo S via Air-L <air-l at listserv.aoir.org>

> Hello!
> I'm wondering what AoIR members think of building a Discord?  I realize
> that there are several platforms out there, and ironically we all are
> probably "too close" to some of the failings and/or opportunities of
> community, communication and digital space, but I would imagine that this
> group would probably hold a strong consensus that group email threads and
> listservs is an outdated way to share, organize, search for, and apply
> information.
> I'd love to connect more deeply with anyone who's interested.  Here's a
> brief/simple survey to help me follow up and/or learn from the group:
> https://forms.gle/zbxmg5433r7LctKf8
> Last but not least, here's an interesting article about the applications of
> Discord for better digital community practice:
> https://www.newkinco.com/projects/anitya-metaverse-platform
> Looking forward to connecting!
> Roo
> --
> Systems Thinking for Digital Products | linktr.ee/roosphere | Work with me
> <https://www.workwithroo.com/>
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