[Air-L] Fulbright in Digital Culture at the University of Bergen

Jill Walker Rettberg Jill.Walker.Rettberg at uib.no
Mon Sep 5 22:12:05 PDT 2022

If you’re a US citizen who would be interested in spending the 2023/24 academic year in Europe, please consider applying for the Fulbright in Digital Culture at the University of Bergen. It’s a teaching Fulbright, where you would spend about half your time teaching and the rest on your research. Application deadline is 15 September: https://fulbrightscholars.org/award/digital-culture

We have a very active research environment in Digital Culture, with weekly research group meetings that usually gather around 12-20 researchers with a balance of senior and junior scholars. We emphasise inclusivity and really value having a collaborative environment where people actually talk about their research with each other. We have an ERC project on machine vision in everyday life<https://www.uib.no/en/machinevision>, just got funding for a large project on “Extending Digital Narratives<https://www.uib.no/hf/156437/millionstøtte-til-humaniora-prosjekter>” (about storytelling using AI, VR and more), host the ELMCIP database of electronic literature<http://elmcip.net/>, and are finalists for a Center for Research Excellence on Digital Narrative that we’ll be hearing the results of this month, we hope. There are lots of other interesting research groups in Bergen too, ranging from the MediaFutures Center<https://mediafutures.no/>, which combines research with innovation in industry collaborations, and UiB AI<https://www.uib.no/en/ai>, which coordinates AI research across all faculties. Every spring our university hosts the Holberg Prize<https://holbergprize.org/en>, which is the humanities and social science version of a Nobel Prize, and there are big events and seminars with that year’s laureate. Bergen is Norway’s “gateway to the fjords”<https://en.visitbergen.com/>, surrounded by seven mountains, and offers amazing natural beauty, a walkable city and lots of cultural activities, including Piksel<https://piksel.no/>, an open source art festival held every November, and a dedicated center for electronic art<https://bek.no/en/>.

Feel free to get in touch if you have questions.


Jill Walker Rettberg
Professor of Digital Culture
Leader of Machine Vision in Everyday Life<https://www.uib.no/en/machinevision/> (ERC-CoG)
University of Bergen

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