[Air-L] Fwd: REMINDER - Drones in Society conference 8th-9th of September, Sheffield Halifax Hall
Elisa Serafinelli
e.serafinelli at sheffield.ac.uk
Thu Sep 1 06:28:27 PDT 2022
Dear colleagues,
Our conference is just one week away!
If you have not registered yet, this is the right moment to do that👇
Drones in Society: New Visual Aesthetics8th and 9th September 2022, Halifax
Hall, Sheffield, UKRegister here:
Click here to download: Conference Programme
Drones are an increasingly important social phenomenon. Their use has the
potential to change the way people see the world in the same way other
technologies have, like smartphones and the internet. Generating questions
that go beyond safety and security issues, their widespread use opens new
debates on the relationship between media and mobility (Hildebrand, 2021),
material practice (Howley, 2017), and vertical power (Kaplan, 2018). Drones
are the latest technological advancement to have a significant impact in
the world we live in, offering opportunities for new forms of visual
communication, culture and practices.
Confirmed keynote speaker: Julia M. Hildebrand, Assistant Professor of
Communication at Eckerd College, author of *Aerial Play: Drone Medium,
Mobility, Communication, and Culture – Geographies of Media.*
The conference is divided into the following thematic sessions:
*-Drone art and creative practices*
*-Drone activism, conflict, migration and war *
*-Drones in cinema, films, and storytelling *
*-Drone aesthetics, sensing and mapping*
Look forward to seeing you there!
*Dr Elisa Serafinelli *
*Research Fellow*
Sociological Studies, University of Sheffield
Elmfield Northumberland rd, room:B06
*https://visualsociety.net/* <https://visualsociety.net/>
Serafinelli E. and O'Hagan L. A. (2022): Drone Views: A Multimodal
Ethnographic Practice, *Visual Communication, *
Serafinelli E. (2022): Imagining the Social Future of Drones, *Convergence*
, https://doi.org/10.1177/13548565211054904
Serafinelli E. and O'Hagan L. A. (2022): 'Researching Instagram:
Computer-Mediated Research Methods in Practice', in SAGE Research Methods:
Doing Research Online, Sage Publications.
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