[Air-L] Job Posting: Pace University Communication & Media Studies

Marcella Szablewicz mszablewicz at gmail.com
Wed Sep 21 09:24:11 PDT 2022

Dear All:

The Department of Communication and Media Studies at Pace University
in NYC is hiring a tenure-track Assistant Professor. Please see the
job listing, and links to ad on the Pace website and The Chronicle of
Higher Education, below. If you have any questions about the position
please feel free to contact me.



The Department of Communication and Media Studies of Dyson College of
Arts and Sciences at Pace University in New York City invites
applications for a tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor
level to begin in August 2023.

The successful candidate should be a media studies generalist who can
teach and design undergraduate courses that emphasize experiential and
applied learning in one or more of the following areas: digital
storytelling, multimedia journalism, news writing and reporting,
podcasting, and/or strategic communication.

The successful applicant will be expected to teach introductory and
content creation courses and encouraged to develop upper-level courses
in her/his/their area of specialization as well as to support the
department in other areas of teaching as needed.

Position Qualifications
Preference will be given to those with a PhD in Media or Communication Studies.

ABDs who will have degrees in hand by August 2023 and recent PhDs are
encouraged to apply.

Candidates for tenure-track positions must have a defined research
agenda and demonstrate the potential to maintain an active scholarly

All candidates should provide a letter of application, curriculum
vitae, research statement, teaching philosophy, list of references,
one to two writing samples, and up to three sample syllabi. Applicants
should also provide a statement explaining how they would contribute
to the development of an equitable, diverse and inclusive learning
community at Pace through their teaching, research, and/or service.

Here is direct application site:

And here is the job posting on the Chronicle:

Marcella Szablewicz
Associate Professor
Department of Communication and Media Studies
Pace University
41 Park Row Room 505
New York, NY 10038

(o) 212-346-1632
(c) 917-474-3856

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