[Air-L] CFP Algorithms for Her? 2 | 23rd-24th March 2023, Sheffield University

Glatt,ZA (pgr) Z.A.Glatt at lse.ac.uk
Mon Sep 26 06:28:30 PDT 2022


Algorithms for Her? 2: Feminist approaches to digital infrastructures, cultures and economies

March 23rd-24th 2023 – Sheffield University

Our daily lives are increasingly governed by algorithmic processes of selection, identification and discrimination. This international symposium focuses on the intersectional forms of injustice that algorithms—and the systems in which they are embedded—help to propagate and sustain. Given the significance and ubiquity of such processes in everyday life, and their disproportionate effects on those marginalised across intersections of gender, sexuality, class and race, this event will create a dedicated space for the discussion of algorithmic forms of oppression and inequality.

Algorithms for Her? 2 seeks to support in-depth analysis of algorithms—together with their functions and entanglements—with critical feminist works that meaningfully examine the production and ethics of bias. “Newness” is often fetishised in analyses of digital culture. The approaches sidelined by this fetishisation are often those by women, nonbinary folks and scholars of colour, who have struggled to have their contributions included in dominant canons of thought. In recent years we have welcomed the increased visibility of critical perspectives on algorithms that are inclusive, intersectional, reflective and feminist, but there is still work to be done.

Following the success of the first Algorithms for Her? event in January 2020, this conference seeks to give a platform to perspectives on algorithms and algorithmic culture that are still under-represented in the academy. We welcome both traditional conference presentations (15 minutes in length) and creative alternatives such as performances or artistic interventions.

We invite contributions relating to…

 – Intersectional feminist work critically examining machine learning, content moderation and algorithms (broadly defined).

– Intersectional feminist work examining software/tools/app design and infrastructure.

– Intersectional feminist work on platform labour and inequalities.

– Feminist methodologies for studying and teaching algorithms and the ethical questions they raise.

– Industry/nonprofit cases of addressing discrimination/bias sustained by and ‘within’ technologies.


*Dr Tiara Roxanne* Artist and Postdoctoral Fellow at Data & Society, New York.

*Professor Rosalind Gill* Professor of Cultural and Social Analysis at City University, London.


*Please send proposals of 250 words along with a 50 word bio to <algorithmsforher at gmail.com> by Friday 11th November 2022. You can also direct any queries to this address. More info here: https://algorithmsforher.wordpress.com/algorithms-for-her-2-call-for-papers/

A small number of travel bursaries will be available for early career researchers who do not have recourse to institutional funds. If you would like to be considered for a bursary, please add a short (100 words) paragraph to your proposal explaining why you are eligible. Given that these bursaries are limited, please only apply if you have no other funding options.

King Regards,

Algorithms for Her Organising Committee:

Dr Sophie Bishop, Sheffield University

Dr Rachel Wood, Keele University

Dr Kate Miltner, University of Edinburgh

Dr Zeena Feldman, King’s College London

Dr Ysabel Gerrard, Sheffield University

Zoë Glatt, London School of Economics and Political Science

Zoë Glatt
ESRC PhD Researcher in Media & Communications
London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
Co-Founder: LSE Digital Ethnography Collective @DigEthnogLSE<https://twitter.com/DigEthnogLSE>
Graduate Student Rep 2019-2021: Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR)
Managing Editor 2018-2020: ICA journal Communication, Culture & Critique<https://academic.oup.com/ccc/pages/About>
YouTube channel<https://www.youtube.com/user/Zedstergal> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/ZoeGlatt> | LSE bio<http://www.lse.ac.uk/media-and-communications/people/phd-researchers/zoe-glatt>

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