[Air-L] 4-year PhD position in Technology and Social Change at Linköping University

Julia Velkova julia.velkova at liu.se
Tue Apr 4 08:04:28 PDT 2023

Dear colleagues,

We have currently an opening for a fully funded, 4-year PhD position in Technology and Social Change related to my ProFutura Scientia project "When Communication Networks Come to Die - Socio-Cultural Perspectives on Infrastructural Dismantling". The project explores the politics and experiences that arise when communication networks (such as internet infrastructure, platforms, software, data or other kinds of media infrastructure) age, get dismantled or abandoned, and the cultural, political, historical and societal implications of these processes for different actors.

The position is located in Linköping, Sweden at a vibrant, international and interdisciplinary department.
Relevant backgrounds for this position include an MA in anthropology, media- and communication studies, STS or related fields. Deadline 2nd of May. Please share!  https://liu.se/en/work-at-liu/vacancies/21686<https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fliu.se%2Fen%2Fwork-at-liu%2Fvacancies%2F21686%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1DCEHL9JhKI3gXZcBVRZout8yoVMtKaYdVBD5djYXod8FZfSl_QbxqtK8&h=AT0VF2BAGpct91lrNlhmdm-arOZvi9UI7qHLSyXD0nPKkUbsJZpZKFwXS9Z-E3rd_H7aClo1h8CldTO2vzkCJXqpd1mblTb1ZkumRG086jtO8NDBk25kXLXPIa2M6F29mGqoeYQmqWeRWpRm9ZoxlKw&__tn__=-UK-R&c%5b0%5d=AT2oEXNg4psWqpDsQ8fVxURLyC5znXUyShHNDpy_JaDjkOK6_bzcPVvr9FChXXC62dbZTE0nLIYg00LK9ieSf82rKWli8HeVTJMbeIw9NzyslaocjswKYCW9DZPcexYeiWKlghJVEo9z7NaptcPx>

All the best,

Julia Velkova, PhD
Associate Professor
Technology and Social Change | Media and Communication Studies
Co-chair DATA LAB<http://juliavelkova.org/data-lab/>

Department of Thematic Studies - Technology and Social Change
Linköping University
Tel: +46 13 28 40 25
web: www.juliavelkova.org<http://www.juliavelkova.org>

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