[Air-L] Violence on digital platforms - Call for contributors

Esteban Morales estebanmo10 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 28 07:46:28 PDT 2023

We (Dr. Martin Lundqvist, Tom Divon & Esteban Morales) are organizing a proposal for a special issue in the journal Political Communication on the topic of violence on digital platforms. In this process, we are looking for scholars interested in submitting a paper for the issue—especially those exploring digital manifestations of violence as experienced and perceived within specific socio-cultural contexts.

If you want to submit a paper, send us (esteban.morales at ubc.ca<mailto:esteban.morales at ubc.ca>) a short abstract (250 words max) with your proposed article. If the issue is accepted, the final papers (between 4000 and 5000 words) will be due by the end of the year.


Esteban Morales
Ph.D. Candidate
The University of British Columbia | Vancouver Campus
Email: esteban.morales at ubc.ca<mailto:esteban.morales at ubc.ca> | Twitter: @estebanmoralesv<http://twitter.com/@estebanmoralesv>
Website: https://www.esteban-morales.com

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