[Air-L] PhD position in equity in computer science education

Jill Walker Rettberg Jill.Walker.Rettberg at uib.no
Thu Apr 13 21:31:29 PDT 2023

Again, with the URL to the job ad. Oops! Application deadline is May 1st.

Also David Grellsheid is happy to answer questions about the position. His email is David.Grellscheid at uib.no<mailto:David.Grellscheid at uib.no>.


From: Jill Walker Rettberg <Jill.Walker.Rettberg at uib.no>
Date: Friday, 14 April 2023 at 06:20
To: aoir list <air-l at aoir.org>
Subject: PhD position in equity in computer science education
The computer science department at the University of Bergen is hiring a PhD student to study equity in computer science education, and I am guessing some people on this list may be or know good applicants.

The job comes out of the computer science department’s discovery that women got worse grades on the intro to programming course all first year students in the natural sciences have to take. They looked at the exam, and saw that women score just as well on almost all tasks – but did significantly worse on a question asking them to make a program analysing soccer results, even though the mechanics of what was being asked was the same as other questions asking them to use weather data or other less socially gendered data.

This PhD is part of a project the computer science department is putting togther to address this problem. The PhD candidate’s project would involve identifying how to contribute to inclusion in computer science education at the university, e.g. looking at

  *   Analysis of the impact of assessment design with regard to gender differences in: test performance, experiences of study, and identification with the discipline in CS education.
  *   How does difference (e.g. age, ethnicity, sexuality, gender identity, class or socioeconomic status, and/or family experience with higher education) affect experiences and outcomes of participating in specific teaching and learning activities or assessments.
  *   Gender differences in the teaching assistants’ practices and interactions within instructional teams.
  *   Accessibility and universal design for learning in computer science.
  *   Investigation and/or comparative analysis of inclusive teaching practices in computer science higher education in Norway / Scandinavia.
  *   Investigation of other equity issues in instruction, such as material-structural access to machines / lab settings, instructional culture, or hidden curriculum in computer science education.

You don’t necessarily need an masters degree in computer science to apply, although you would need to have completed a masters degree by August 1, 2023 in either informatics, computer science, a related natural science field or a field related to STEM education.

You need sufficient experience with a programming language to contribute to teaching the first-year programming course is a requirement, but they also need someone who has experience with social science/humanities research.

Norwegian PhD candidates are employees with a proper salary and are members of the Norwegian welfare system with all its benefits. This will be a four-year contract.

Please share widely!


Jill Walker Rettberg
Professor of Digital Culture
University of Bergen

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