[Air-L] Democracy under Siege: How Actors, Communication Strategies, and Emerging Phenomena Are Changing the Rules in the Public Sphere

German.Llorca at uv.es German.Llorca at uv.es
Fri Feb 17 00:30:20 PST 2023

Dear Colleagues,
"Democracy under Siege: How Actors, Communication Strategies, and Emerging Phenomena Are Changing the Rules in the Public Sphere" is aimed to be the most up-to-date and impactful collection of research on this topic. With your knowledge and expertise in disinformation, the effects of media and journalism, and public opinion dynamics, the editorial team invites you to send a proposal.
Why publish in our Research Topic?

Alongside a top group of authors, your work will be published in either Frontiers in Communication or Frontiers in Sociology (you will be able to select which journal upon submission of your manuscript). Both are leading journals in their fields, with a respective CiteScore of 2.1 and 1.7. Both journals will also receive their first impact factor in June of this year. You may find full detail on the CFP through this link:

As well as original research, reviews, research reports, perspectives, and case reports will also be considered. Please, do note the following relevant information:
Deadline for abstracts: April 15, 2023

Deadline for manuscripts: November 15, 2023

The aim of this Research Topic is to delve into the various dimensions of the (dis)information crisis, including one of the key solutions to it—media literacy. Specific themes to be addressed include, but are not limited to, the following:

• the disinformation strategies and techniques used by political and influential agents
• the effects of mis- and/or disinformation on democratic processes
• biased representations of ideologies, social groups, and institutions
• new communicative ecologies
• media centrality in the information ecosystem
• the media/journalism crisis and the ‘era of multiple authorities’
• public opinion dynamics
• media literacy.

As an open access journal, publishing fees are applied to accepted articles You can find out more about the journal publishing fees as well as fee support and institutional waivers and discounts here: https://www.frontiersinorg/journals/communication/for-authors/publishing-fees
I believe your insight will be a great addition to this topic, and I look forward to hearing more about your latest research.
Best regards,   

Germán Llorca-Abad, Full Professor at Universitat de València

Germán Llorca Abad
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