[Air-L] GIG-ARTS 2023 - Deadline Extension to 2 March

Mauro SANTANIELLO msantaniello at unisa.it
Mon Feb 27 08:22:56 PST 2023

Dear colleagues,

Following requests received by the organizing committee, we are happy
to *extend
by 4 days* the GIG-ARTS 2023 deadline for abstracts submission.

*New deadline: 2 March 2023. *

All details at: events.gig-arts.eu/gig-arts2023

Best wishes,
Mauro Santaniello (PhD)

*Assistant Professor, Internet Governance and Digital PolicyDirector,
Internet & Communication Policy Centre (ICPC)*
*Scientific Coordinator, Salerno Winter School on Internet Governance

*Associate Research Fellow, The United Nations University Institute on
Comparative Regional Integration Studies (UNU-CRIS)**Visiting Professor,
Sciences Po Grenoble*

*Department of Business, Management and Information Systems (DISA-MIS)*
*Università degli Studi di Salerno *
*Via Giovanni Paolo II, 132 84084 Fisciano (SA) - Italy *

*E. msantaniello at unisa.it <msantaniello at unisa.it> *
*W. http://docenti.unisa.it/mauro.santaniello
*Skype: internetpolicy *
*T. twitter.com/webvoodoo <http://twitter.com/webvoodoo>*

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