[Air-L] ISOC Foundation 2022 Research Grantees

Joly MacFie joly at punkcast.com
Fri Feb 3 01:39:14 PST 2023


We’re thrilled to announce the diverse group of researchers who joined the
Internet Society Foundation’s Research Program
2022. Established in 2020, this program awards funding to researchers
around the world who are examining the future and sustainability of the

Representing 18 organizations and 12 countries, these researchers are
collectively generating solutions today to meet the Internet challenges of

Through these grants, the Internet Society Foundation continues to advance
new research on the future of the Internet, research that will influence
policy and industry decisions and ultimately help shape a more equitable
and sustainable future for the Internet and the people it serves.

Learn more about each awardee in the list below. Projects are grouped by
the Research Program’s four themes: A Trustworthy Internet, Decolonizing
the Internet, Greening the Internet, and the Internet Economy.
Decolonizing the Internet

*Awardee *– Francis Saa-Dittoh – Ghana – $99,950.00

*Research Question* – How can decentralized digital information systems
promote decolonizing of the Internet in developing countries?

*Awardee* – Stichting Digital Freedom Fund <https://digitalfreedomfund.org/> —
Netherlands – $100,000

*Research Question* – How can a decolonizing program for the European
digital rights field be designed and implemented?
Greening the Internet

*Awardee* – Chomora Mikeka – Malawi – $81,314.00

*Research Question *– Can Internet of Things (IoT) be green powered using
ambient radio frequency energy harvesting?

*Awardee *– The Green Web Foundation
<https://www.thegreenwebfoundation.org/> – Netherlands – $550,000

*Research Question* – How do we accelerate the transition of the Internet
off of fossil fuels?

*Awardee* – ISOC Kyrgyzstan Chapter <https://isoc.kg/>  – Kyrgyzstan –

*Research Question* – Can we use the Internet of Things in a rough
environment to detect landslides and other threats while developing an open
and secure infrastructure?

*Awardee *– German Informatics Society <https://gi.de/> – Germany –

*Research Question* – What concepts of programming software in an
environmentally friendly way (“Green Coding”) exist for software

*Awardee* – University of Amsterdam <https://www.uva.nl/> – Netherlands –

*Research Question* – How does Internet infrastructure reconfigure power
relationships and resource dependencies, and how could it better serve the
public interest?
An Internet Economy

*Awardee *– Data & Society Research Institute <https://datasociety.net/>   –
 US – $499,926.00

*Research Question* – How is the work of mental health professionals
changing as they increasingly provide services through online digital
platforms, and how do such shifts impact therapeutic expertise, therapeutic
labor, and professional practice?

*Awardee* – David Johnson – South Africa – $200,000

*Research Question* – Can a decentralized mutual credit-based community
voucher combined with a community network and localized services
incentivize (i) custodianship of commons infrastructure, (ii) creation of
more locally generated digital content , and (iii) act as a catalyst to the
stability and expansion of a local market?

*Awardee *– Fradkin Foundation for Economic Research
<https://andreyfradkin.com/> – US – $150,550.00

*Research Question* – What is the economic impact of dark patterns on

*Awardee* – World Data Lab <https://worlddata.io/> – Austria – $485,375.00

*Research Question* – Who is most affected by Internet poverty and which
countries are making the greatest progress in reducing it? How can we
promote greater access and use of the Internet to benefit the poor?
A Trustworthy Internet

*Awardee* – Centro Latam Digital <https://centrolatam.digital/> – Mexico –

*Research Question* – What kind of interactions do migrants in transit have
with the Internet based on their perception of digital vulnerability? How
does this perception impact their decision making and strategies in using
the Internet along their transit?

*Awardee* – DNS Research Foundation <https://dnsrf.org/> – UK – $250,000

*Research Question* – To establish an Internet Standards Observatory, what
innovative research methodologies and policy research questions should we
explore relating to the development of Internet standards?

*Awardee* – The Distributed AI Research Institute
<https://www.dair-institute.org/> in partnership with Code for Science &
Society <https://www.codeforsociety.org/> – US – $500,000

*Research Question* – What is the impact of social media platforms in
countries and diaspora communities that are not considered important by the
companies who own these platforms?

*Awardee* – Evidence and Methods Lab <https://evidenceandmethodslab.org/> in
partnership with the Internet Society Uganda Chapter <https://isoc.ug/> –
Uganda – $550,000

*Research Question* – What are the capacity gaps hindering the utilization
of the Internet by government agencies in the effort to improve
transparency and accountability in service delivery?

*Awardee* – Georgia Institute of Technology <http://gatech.edu/> – US –

*Research Question *– How can we improve our understanding of the way
private sector governance mechanisms interact with technology to produce
trust and security on the Internet?

*Awardee* – Internet Security Research Group
<https://www.abetterinternet.org/> – US – $350,000

*Research Question* – How can we enforce the promises made in a privacy
policy through technology that is ubiquitous and affordable?

*Awardee* – Reset Tech Australia <https://au.reset.tech/> – Australia –

*Research Question* – What does trustworthy tech, from young people’s
perspectives, look like in practice?

If you’d like to know more, you can see full details of our Research Grant
To be notified of upcoming grant opportunities, sign up to our newsletter

Joly MacFie  +12185659365

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