[Air-L] Featured Sessions and CfP REMINDER - GIG-ARTS 2023: "The Governance of Cybersecurity: Resilience, Human Rights and Democracy" 15-16 May, Padova

Mauro SANTANIELLO msantaniello at unisa.it
Tue Feb 7 02:07:32 PST 2023

Dear colleagues,

We hope this message finds you well. With the reminder that only 3 weeks
are remaining for submission of your abstracts (*deadline: 26 February 2023*),
GIG-ARTS 2023 Organizing Committee is glad to pre-announce 4 exciting
featured sessions for this Padova edition.

We are delighted to welcome *Laura DeNardis as our 2023 Keynote
speaker.* Speakers
at the Special session and the Stakeholders roundtables will be announced

GIG-ARTS 2023 Featured Sessions:
*Keynote Session: “New Frontiers of Cybersecurity Governance”*
Keynote Speaker: Laura DeNardis, Professor and Endowed Chair in Technology,
Ethics, and Society at Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA
Chair: Meryem Marzouki, Global Internet Governance & Digital Rights Expert
- Paris, France

*Special Session: Presentation of the Italian PRIN Project: “Cybersecurity
(as a) Public Policy”*
Chair: Maria Stella Righettini, Associate Professor of Public Policy and
Performance Evaluation at the University of Padova, Italy

*Stakeholders Roundtable: “Framing and Implementing Cyber Resilience”*
Chair: Mauro Santaniello, Assistant Professor of Internet Governance and
Digital Policy at the University of Salerno, Italy

*Stakeholders Roundtable: “Geopolitics of Cybersecurity”*
Chair: Joanna Kulesza, Professor of International Law, and Director of Lodz
Cyber Hub at the University of Lodz, Poland

Below is the full GIG-ARTS 2023 Call for abstracts.
Feel free to disseminate this call. We are looking forward to receiving
your abstracts describing your latest research work and we very much hope
to see you in Padova!

Best regards,
GIG-ARTS 2023 Organizing Committee:
Joanna Kulesza, Meryem Marzouki, Claudia Padovani, Maria Stella Righettini,
and Mauro Santaniello

GIG-ARTS 2023 - The Seventh European Multidisciplinary Conference on Global
Internet Governance Actors, Regulations, Transactions and Strategies
15-16 May 2023, Padova
The Governance of Cybersecurity: Resilience, Human Rights and Democracy

Call for Abstracts - Deadline:  26 February 2023
While during the early stage of Internet development security concerns were
generally dealt with as a regulation matter with law enforcement
authorities fighting cybercrime, cybersecurity has recently become one of
the most debated and controversial issue in the field of internet

Cyberattacks have changed in nature and intensity: their growing number;
the variety of their targets (public institutions, critical infrastructures
and utilities, large and strategic companies); in some cases the terrorist
and/or quasi-military objectives of their proven or alleged authors,
sponsors or beneficiaries; the expansion of their surface, making profit of
digitalization progresses in all sectors; together with the escalation of
geopolitical tensions and conflicts; are all features pushing cybersecurity
issues to the top of the agendas of both public and private actors.

The increasing relevance of cybersecurity is reshaping state powers, public
administration, private businesses, civil society and academic research as
well. New agencies, procedures, and structures have been institutionalised
both by national governments and international organisations to deal with
cybersecurity policy problems. New power relations are being established,
both inside and beyond the state. Governments, both at the national and
local levels, are still struggling to find their own governance structures
and set of instruments in the range of different cybersecurity models (e.g.
cyber defence, cyber offence, cyber resilience, etc.) and their possible
implementations. The provision of public goods and services is undergoing a
profound re-design and re-engineering process led by cybersecurity
concerns, that implies new models of citizenship and new modes of public
administration. Private companies are facing new challenges, often dealing
with a shortage of skills and competences of the workforce, while new
companies and new business models are emerging around the transnational
market of cybersecurity.

At the global level, states, through their representatives at the United
Nations and its different bodies, confirmed that international law applies
online as it does offline. They also identified the need to better
understand how international law could be applied in cyberspace, with
issues of attribution, liability, sovereignty, rule of law and due
diligence being raised. Given the multistakeholder feature of global
internet governance, private companies have also jumped in with their own
proposals, promoting their roles as possible norms entrepreneurs. Technical
management and standardisation organisations have a prominent role to play
as well when dealing with global cybersecurity.

As a consequence, new research agendas and scientific perspectives on
cybersecurity are consolidating, shaping a novel multidisciplinary field of
inquiry that is not only exceeding the original field of internet
governance, but seems also phagocytizing it: internet governance as an
issue of cybersecurity governance.

After having addressed “Global Internet Governance as a Diplomacy Issue” at
its first edition in 2017, “Overcoming Inequalities in Internet Governance”
in 2018, “Europe as a Global Player in Internet Governance” in 2019,
“Online Information Governance” in 2020, and “Global Internet Governance
and International Human Rights” in 2022, the European Multidisciplinary
Conference on Global Internet Governance Actors, Regulations, Transactions
and Strategies turns its attention this year to the governance of
cybersecurity, in view of further investigating and inquiring the
political, economic and epistemic transformations connected to the rise of
cybersecurity and how they impact on democracy and human rights.

In addition to general internet governance issues and topics, submissions
are particularly welcome on the following themes:

-     Cybersecurity and democracy: civil liberties and human rights;
-     Cybersecurity, citizenship and digital sovereignty;
-     Institutionalisation of cybersecurity as a field of public policy;
-     From cybersecurity to cyber resilience: risk analysis, organisational
challenges and capacity building;
-     Models and typologies of cybersecurity;
-     Relationships between cybersecurity and internet governance;
-     New theoretical frameworks and methods for the study of cybersecurity;
-     Cybersecurity and public administration digitalization;
-     The cybersecurity market and business models;
-     New technological developments and cybersecurity;
-     Cybersecurity narratives: policy discourses, cultures and ideologies;
-     Cybersecurity strategies, policies, instruments, and their
-     Multilateral and multistakeholder discussions and instruments for the
global governance of cybersecurity;
-     Cybersecurity in international relations: cyber warfare, cyber peace,
diplomacy and international law;
-     Cybersecurity in Europe Union strategy and policies.

Submission information
Authors are invited to submit their extended abstracts (no longer than 500
words), describing their research question(s), theoretical framework,
approach and methodology, expected findings or empirical outcome. Submitted
abstracts will be evaluated through a peer-review process.
Abstracts and authors’ information should be submitted through the
Easychair conference management system at:

Key dates
-     Deadline for abstract submissions: 26 February 2023
-     Notification to authors: 5 April 2023
-     Authors registration (at least one author must register for a
selected presentation to appear on the programme): From 5 to 15 April 2023
-     Programme publication: 25 April 2023
-     General registration: From 25 April to 5 May 2023
-     Conference dates: 15 & 16 May 2023

GIG-ARTS 2023 Co-Sponsors (tbc)
-     Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies (SPGI)
/ University of Padova, Italy
-     Grant programme PRIN: Progetti di Ricerca di Rilevante Interesse
Nazionale – Bando 2020 Prot. 2020X5LAK7 / Ministry of University and
Research, Italy
-     Internet & Communication Policy Centre / University of Salerno, Italy
-     LIP6 Laboratory, Sorbonne Université & CNRS, France
-     Lodz Cyber Hub / University of Lodz, Poland

GIG-ARTS 2023 Committees
-     Joanna Kulesza, Łódz Cyber Hub, University of Łódz, Poland
-     Meryem Marzouki, Global Internet Governance & Digital Rights Expert,
-     Maria Stella Righettini, Department of Political Science, Law and
International Studies (SPGI), University of Padova, Italy

Organizing Committee
-     Joanna Kulesza, Łódz Cyber Hub, University of Łódz, Poland
-     Meryem Marzouki, Global Internet Governance & Digital Rights Expert,
-     Claudia Padovani, Department of Political Science, Law and
International Studies (SPGI), University of Padova, Italy
-     Maria Stella Righettini, Department of Political Science, Law and
International Studies (SPGI), University of Padova, Italy
-     Mauro Santaniello, Internet & Communication Policy Centre, University
of Salerno, Italy

Scientific Programme Committee
-     Francesco Amoretti, University of Salerno, Italy
-     Eric Brousseau, Université Paris Dauphine, France
-     Simone Busetti, University of Teramo, Italy
-     Andrea Calderaro, Cardiff University, United Kingdom
-     Mauro Conti, University of Padova, Italy
-     Laura DeNardis, Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA
-     Frédérick Douzet, Université Paris 8 Vincennes - Saint-Denis, France
-     Giuseppe Fenza, University of Salerno, Italy
-     Louise Marie Hurel, London School of Economics, United Kingdom
-     Jonathan Kamkhaji, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
-     Joanna Kulesza (co-chair), University of Łódz, Poland
-     Nanette S. Levinson, American University Washington DC, USA
-     Robin Mansell, London School of Economics, United Kingdom
-     Meryem Marzouki (co-chair), Global Internet Governance & Digital
Rights Expert, France
-     Fortunato Musella, University of Naples Federico II, Italy
-     Claudia Padovani, University of Padova, Italy
-     Maria Stella Righettini (co-chair), University of Padova, Italy
-     Michele Rioux, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
-     Kavé Salamatian, Université Savoie Mont-Blanc, France, and Tallinn
University of Technology, Estonia
-     Mauro Santaniello, University of Salerno, Italy
-     Yves Schemeil, Sciences Po Grenoble, France
-     Jan Aart Scholte, Leiden University, The Netherlands, and University
of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
-     Jamal Shahin, Vrije Universiteit Brussel & United Nations University
- CRIS, Belgium, and University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
-     Evelyne Tauchnitz, University of Lucerne, Switzerland
-     Giancarlo Vecchi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

GIG-ARTS 2023 will be held in Padova city centre, at The University of
Padova (Archivio Antico room), Via VIII Febbraio, 2, 35122 Padova, Italy.

Conference Registration and Fees
Registration fees are 100€ for regular participants and 50€ for students
showing proof of status. Conference fees include a participant kit as well
as coffee breaks and meals.

GIG-ARTS 2023 Communication Details
-     Website: events.gig-arts.eu
-     Email for information: events at gig-arts.eu
-     Submissions: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=gigarts2023
-     Twitter: @GigArtsEU - Hashtag: #GIGARTS23
-     Mailing list for updates:

GIG-ARTS Conference
(The European Multidisciplinary Conference on Global Internet Governance
Actors, Regulations, Transactions and Strategies)
Email: events at gig-arts.eu - Web: http://events.gig-arts.eu - Twitter:

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