[Air-L] Digital Data Analyst position at University of Trento

Elena Pavan elena.pavan at unitn.it
Tue Feb 14 09:14:41 PST 2023

***apologies for cross-posting***

Dear all,

The Department of Sociology and Social Research of the University of 
Trento is hiring a research fellow to work in the context of the H2020 
ACROSS EUROPE. The post is intended for performing research with 
intensive computational data analysis of large-scale datasets 
particularly of digtial data from the web and social media.

Duration of Contract: 12 months, approximately from 01.03.2023. The 
position is renewable for an additional 12 months.

Applications should be sent by 23 Feb. 2023, 12pm (Rome time).

More info below (PhD title *not* required). Please feel more than free 
to spread the call.




_*Project Description: *_CCINDLE aims to enhance trust in democracy and 
to re-invigorate engagement with democratic institutions and values in 
Europe. It does so by co-creating solutions to the crisis of democracy, 
by designing and implementing strategies, which counter opposition to 
equality and democracy and by supporting citizens and activists working 
in this field. Its main attention foci are: i) antigender campaigns and 
how they challenge democracy, particularly through political violence 
and alternative knowledge production; ii) futures of society envisioned 
in feminist theories and how they relate to democracy in Europe with 
respect to intersectional justice, inclusion, and participation; iii) 
feminist movement and institutional responses to anti-gender and other 
anti-democratic forces.

- Four or Five years degree/Master Degree in a data-oriented field: Data 
Science, Information Engineering and/or Computer Science; Artificial 
Intelligence; Physics, Mathematics and/or Statistics, Computational 
Social and/or Political Science; Social and/or Political Science awarded 
by an Italian or foreign university, or an equivalent qualification 
obtained abroad
- Experience in collecting and managing large databases particularly 
(but not exclusively) from major social media platforms; experience 
analyzing using quantitative analysis methods and techniques; experience 
analyzing data using
techniques particularly (but not exclusively) from computational 
linguistics (NLP), network science (social and/or semantic), machine 
- Excellent knowledge of the English language.
- Hold a professional-scientific CV in line with the research program 
- Two signed reference letters
- Max. 5 publications showing the methodological skills of the 
candidate. Master and/or doctoral thesis is considered eligible among 
the submitted publications.

_*Submission Deadline*_: 23.02.2023,12:00 p.m.

_*Submission Procedure:*_ Instructions (in Italian and English) are 
contained in the PDF available at this link 


*Elena Pavan, Ph.D.*
Associate Professor
Department of Sociology and Social Research
Università di Trento
via Verdi 26
38122 Trento
email: elena.pavan at unitn.it
telephone: +39 (0)461 28 1378

*OFFICE HOURS* (only for BA and Master students):
Check out my weekly availability and book your slot 
<https://calendar.app.google/STvpRHKLvazucfAn9 >

CoACT Research Group on Collective Action, Change and Transition 
I-POLHYS Investigating POlarization in HYbrid media Systems 

/*My pronouns are she/her/hers*/

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