[Air-L] ESRC Digital Good Network launch & opportunities

Helen Kennedy h.kennedy at sheffield.ac.uk
Mon Feb 27 06:07:19 PST 2023


The ESRC Digital Good Network <https://digitalgood.net/> is a new, £4
million research network focused on what a good digital society should look
like and how we get there. It will build an interdisciplinary research
community by: bringing disciplines and sectors together, supporting and
funding interdisciplinary research, internships, fellowships; providing
training; hosting events; and engaging policy, industry, practitioners,
communities and civil society.

On 7 March we will be launching the *Digital Good Research Fund* which will
fund small-scale, pilot and scoping projects on how digital technologies
can work for people and society. We invite proposals for projects that:

   - connect researchers with communities and organisations external to
   academic research to address challenges relating to the digital good,
   - explore how the digital good is defined and the terms we use to
   discuss it,
   - test methodological innovations for the digital good,
   - explore how to evaluate the digital good across different
   technologies, dimensions and perspectives.

We will fund multiple projects in the range of £20,000 to £50,000. The
deadline for applications is 28 April 2023. We will be holding an
application sandpit event in late March, please sign up to our mailing list
<http://eepurl.com/idhmon> if this would be of interest.

We will also be opening applications for our first *Digital Good Network
Summer School* for PhD students on 7 March. The summer school is a fully
funded opportunity for PhD researchers to engage with a range of
theoretical, methodological and professional development topics relating to
the digital good. It will take place in Sheffield on 22 & 23 June 2023.
Application details will be on our website <https://digitalgood.net/>, the
deadline will be 24 March.

As part of the launch of the research fund, we will be holding a
series of *lunchtime

   - Tues 7 March at 13:00, we ask our panel of experts, ‘What is the
   digital good?’ with Helen Kennedy, Gina Neff and Ros Williams. Sign up
   - Weds 8 March at 13:00, we will share more about the network and what
   we are looking for in funded projects. Sign
   up here
   - Thurs 9 March at 13:00, we ask successful early career applicants what
   makes a good application. Sign up here

Everyone is welcome, come along to find out more.

To keep updated:

Sign up to our mailing list: http://eepurl.com/idhmon
Contact us: info at digitalgood.net

Twitter: https://twitter.com/digitalgoodnet
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/digital-good-network/
Mastodon: https://mastodon.world/@digitalgoodnet

Best wishes


Helen Kennedy, Director, ESRC Digital Good Network
<https://digitalgood.net/>, @digitalgoodnet
Professor of Digital Society, @hmtk, Living With Data
<https://livingwithdata.org/>, she/her

Generic visuals of Covid-19 in the news: Invoking banal belonging through
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w/Giorgia Aiello, Chris W Anderson, Camilla Mørk Røstvik, *I**nternational
Journal of Cultural Studies*.

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