[Air-L] Workshop 3: "Post-Pandemic" Politics & Reactionary Digital Cultures

Robert Topinka (Staff) r.topinka at bbk.ac.uk
Fri Feb 17 05:53:16 PST 2023

Dear colleagues,

Please join us for the final workshop in the "Post-Pandemic" Politics & Reactionary Digital Cultures series, which investigates the emotional attractions of reactionary politics, looking to build an anti-racist and anti-misogynist politics that begins at the community level.

Read the report<https://reactionarypandemicpolitics.files.wordpress.com/2022/10/post-pandemic-reactionary-politics-report-robert-topinka-1.pdf> and join the final workshop at Birkbeck. Tea, coffee and lunch will be provided. Travel reimbursement is avaialable.

Workshop 3: Digital Culture, Politics and Communication

Friday, 10 March 2023, 10:30 – 14:00, MAl G13, Malet Street, Bloomsbury, London WC1E 7JL

Register: http://www.bbk.ac.uk/booking/event/33671

The sheer volume of communication is unprecedented, and it only continues to grow. This can make efforts to combat digital harms feel like a drop in a bucket, and a bucket owned and controlled by massively powerful tech corporations. Instead of thinking about digital communication as something ‘outside’ of our work, how can we communicate better on and about digital media with the communities we serve?

Featured speakers
Paul Addae, Head of Research at Centric

Dr Caitjan Gainty, historian of health and healthcare at King's College London and founder of the Healthy Scepticism Project<https://www.healthyscepticism.com/>

Robert Topinka
Senior Lecturer in Transnational Media & Cultural Studies
Department of Film, Media & Cultural Studies
Birkbeck, University of London
Recently published: "The Politics of Anti-Discourse: Copypasta, the Alt-Right, and the Rhetoric of Form"<https://muse.jhu.edu/article/852390> in Theory & Event
New book: Racing the Street: Race, Rhetoric, and Technology in Metropolitan London, 1840-1900<https://www.ucpress.edu/book/9780520343610/racing-the-street>

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