[Air-L] Online event: Open Science movement and the future of the field of media and comms (by IAMCR PC Committee)

Maria Michalis M.Michalis at westminster.ac.uk
Fri Jan 13 03:12:52 PST 2023

(apologies for cross posting)

The IAMCR Publications Committee invites you to its first event around issues of open access and the politics of knowledge production and dissemination. Through these conversations, envisaged as a series of round tables, we hope to arrive at some ideas for more inclusive and equitable models.

Free online event but registration required. IAMCR and non-IAMCR members can register.

**What does the Open Science Movement mean for the future of the field of media & communication?**

with Prof. Lucy Montgomery (Curtin University) and Dr. Ferestheh Rafieian Najafabadi (Unesco). Moderator: Prof. Claudia Padovani

WHEN: 9 February 2023

14h00 UTC / 09h00 New York / 14h00 London / 15h00 Paris / 17h00 Nairobi / 19h30 Kolkata / 22h00 Beijing (via Zoom)

Details and registration link at <https://iamcr.org/pc-talks/open-science>

We look forward to having you there!

Maria Michalis

Chair, IAMCR Publications Committee

The University of Westminster is a charity and a company limited by guarantee. Registration number: 977818 England. Registered Office: 309 Regent Street, London W1B 2HW.

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