[Air-L] Still time to submit: Digital disconnection preconf #ICA23

Trine Syvertsen trine.syvertsen at media.uio.no
Fri Jan 13 04:34:34 PST 2023

It is till time to submit an abstract for the ICA preconference: Key themes in digital disconnection research: Authenticity, wellness, datafication and power. ICA Toronto, May 25th, 2023. Deadline for abstracts: January 20th, 2023.

More information here:


The organisers have previously held preconferences at ECREA 2021 and ICA2022. We make an effort to create a friendly atmosphere and facilitate networking. Young scholars are especially welcome. Preconferences are a great way to meet people before the main event. You can also attend the preconference even if you do not go to the main event.

Information on more seminars and events within digital disconnection studies:


You are welcome to join seminars, mailing lists etc. Contact trine.syvertsen at media.uio.no for information and a zoom link.

There is also a network of PhD-candidates, contact kari.spjeldnaes at kristiania.no to register for events.

Best regards, Trine


Trine Syvertsen, professor, IMK, UiO
Project: Intrusive media, ambivalent users and digital detox (NFR)
Recent book: Digital detox: The politics of disconnecting (Emerald 2020)

Recent articles: Framing digital disconnection: Problem definitions, values and actions among digital detox organisers (Convergence 2022);
Offline tourism: Digital and screen ambivalence in Norwegian mountain huts with no Internet access (Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 2022)

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