[Air-L] Article of possible interest: ChatGPT Strikes at the Heart of the Scientific World View

Blayne Haggart bhaggart at brocku.ca
Thu Jan 26 07:25:34 PST 2023

Hello all:

Some of you might find this piece I wrote for the Centre for Global Innovation Governance (CIGI) to be of interest: https://www.cigionline.org/articles/chatgpt-strikes-at-the-heart-of-the-scientific-world-view/.

Drawing on José van Dijck’s work on dataism, and my own extension of Susan Strange’s concept of knowledge structures, it focuses on the thinking behind ChatGPT and machine learning. It argues that the reaction to ChatGPT highlights that dataist views are becoming more entrenched at the cost of evidence-based, theory-and-method-driven scientific thinking, effectively redefining what we consider to be knowledge and who we think of as experts.

Warm regards,

Blayne Haggart
Associate Professor
Graduate Program Director
Department of Political Science
Brock University
St. Catharines, ON Canada

Power and Authority in Internet Governance: Return of the State?
Edited by Blayne Haggart, Natasha Tusikov and Jan Aart Scholte
Buy it here: https://www.routledge.com/Power-and-Authority-in-Internet-Governance-Return-of-the-State/Haggart-Tusikov-Scholte/p/book/9780367442033

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