[Air-L] CFP: Critical and Ethical Studies of Digital and Social Media minitrack of HICSS

Nicholas Proferes Nicholas.Proferes at asu.edu
Fri Mar 3 19:11:13 PST 2023

Hello all,

Along with my colleagues Dr. Britt Paris and Dr. Amelia Acker, I invite you to submit to the HICSS 57 Digital Social Media minitrack panel on Critical and Ethical Studies of Digital and Social Media (paper deadline is June 15, 2023, with the conference set to take place January 3-6, 2024). More information about paper submission and the conference itself can be found at: https://hicss.hawaii.edu/

The minitrack focuses on two themes: a) research that critically interrogates how and when digital and social media reify or challenge existing power structures, and b) research that addresses applied ethical issues associated with doing research on digital and social media. The minitrack seeks both conceptual and empirical approaches to these two themes; early results and innovative methods are welcome.

Potential paper topics could explore (but are not limited to) the following themes:

●     studies of the values and worldviews embedded within specific hardware and software technologies;

●     studies that explore the social responses to platforms from a critical or ethics-based perspective;

●     studies that look at the political economies or labor conditions of digital content creation, digital work, and the consequences of sharing economy platforms;

●     studies that explore the political community and civic participation in digital spaces;

●     studies of the perpetuation of gender, race, ethno-nationalist, and faith-based hostility and bullying found in a range of online environments;

●     studies that examine digital power relations between individuals, collectives, and societal institutions;

●     case studies that grapple with the challenges and opportunities of unequal data access among actors, including users, researchers, and journalists;

●     studies that explore the situated ethics of social media research in different organization contexts;

●     studies of the environmental impact that digital and social media researchers have on the planet;

●     studies that mobilize non-traditional or experimental research methods developed for the specificities of digital and social media;

●     studies that explore issues around the intersections between ethics and privacy, such as quantitative, qualitative, and computational studies on digital and social media privacy

●     studies that explore the privacy behavior of users and the mitigation of sensitive and private information on digital and social media platforms, or novel privacy solutions using explainable AI, transparent ML algorithms, or any interdisciplinary methods.

We welcome all researchers to submit, and particularly encourage research contributions from graduate students, early career researchers, as well as collaborative teams. If you have questions about whether your research would be an acceptable contribution to this CFP, or to learn more about the HICSS conference, please reach out to Nicholas at nicholas.proferes at asu.edu

Minitrack Co-Chairs:

Nicholas Proferes | Arizona State University | nicholas.proferes at asu.edu

Britt Paris | Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey | britt.paris at rutgers.edu

Amelia Acker | University of Texas at Austin | aacker at ischool.utexas.edu

Nicholas Proferes, PhD

Assistant Professor

School of Social and Behavioral Sciences

New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences

Arizona State University

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