[Air-L] Job opportunity - Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Digital Media and Culture at the University of Manchester

Lukasz Szulc lukasz.szulc at manchester.ac.uk
Wed Mar 29 07:03:07 PDT 2023

Hi everyone,

We're hiring a permanent Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Digital Media and Culture (Teaching & Research) at the University of Manchester, UK. We are interested in candidates with expertise in one or several of the following domains:

  *   Race in digital culture
  *   Chinese or global digital media
  *   Post-colonial/de-colonial theory and digital media

Closing date: 24th April 2023

Full details of the job are available here:

Feel free to contact me with any enquires about the vacancy, shortlisting and interviews.

Best wishes,

Dr Łukasz Szulc (he/him)


Senior Lecturer in Digital Media and Culture
University of Manchester

@Twitter<https://twitter.com/LukaszSzulc> | @GoogleScholar<https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=1X7eQV0AAAAJ&hl=en>


  *   (2022) Culture is transnational. Available here<https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/13678779221131349>.
  *   (2022) A Lot of Straddling and Squirming: Taking Queer Migrant Stories beyond the Academic and Digital Walls. Available here<https://academic.oup.com/ccc/advance-article/doi/10.1093/ccc/tcac006/6556263?searchresult=1>.
  *   (2021) Uncanny Europe and Protective Europeanness: When European Identity Becomes a Queerly Viable Option. Available here<https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/00380385211024117>.
  *   (2020) Digital Gender Disidentifications: Beyond the Subversion Versus Hegemony Dichotomy and Toward Everyday Gender Practices. Available here<https://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/15396/3255>.

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