[Air-L] PerCom 2024 - Call for Workshop Proposals, Deadline: June 2nd, 2023

Eirini Eleni Tsiropoulou eirini at unm.edu
Wed May 10 09:52:51 PDT 2023

PerCom 2024 - Call for Workshop Proposals
Workshop proposal submission deadline: June 2nd, 2023
Notification: June 9th, 2023

IEEE PerCom is the premier annual scholarly venue in pervasive computing and communications. Pervasive computing has not only been a vivid research area, but also found its way into many commercial and consumer systems and applications due to tremendous advances in a broad spectrum of technologies and topics such as wireless networking, mobile, and distributed computing, sensor and actuator systems, ambient intelligence, and smart mobile and embedded devices. Due to the pervasiveness of such systems, users become central in the development and realization of innovative pervasive systems.
Advances in all these fields have led to innovative platforms, protocols, systems, and applications but still, a lot can be done to improve their quality, sustainability, and acceptance

In 2024, PerCom will be held in Biarritz, France. Currently, PerCom 2024 is planned as an in-person event.

The PerCom 2024 Organizing Committee invites proposals for one-day or half-day workshops, to be held prior to or immediately after the main conference. The purpose of the workshops is to stimulate discussions on state-of-the-art, emerging, visionary, and also controversial topics. Workshops should be organized to promote lively interaction and plans to promote interaction and discussion must be clearly addressed in the written workshop proposals. The organizers of accepted workshops are required to publicize the workshop by disseminating the call for papers, soliciting submissions, conducting the reviewing process, and deciding upon the final workshop program. At least one organizer must be physically present at the workshop. We are aware that the possibility to visit Atlanta depends on the future pandemic situation and of course only applies under the assumption that PerCom can take place as a hybrid event (at least partially in presence). Therefore, organizers should plan on a best-effort basis, possibly including organizers from different locations, for instance, to limit the impact of travel restrictions.

Workshop proposals are solicited in all areas and topics pertaining to research and applications in pervasive computing and communications. Workshops addressing new emerging research directions in pervasive computing and communication are especially welcome. Further, workshops with novel formats, e.g., focused on a specific topic in a tutorial-style fashion, are strongly encouraged. Workshop papers will be included and indexed in the IEEE digital library (Xplore). The page limit for accepted regular workshop papers is 6 pages, including all figures, tables, and references.


Workshop Proposal Submission Instructions

Workshop proposals should be submitted (in PDF format) no later than June 2nd, 2023 by e-mail to percom2024workshops at gmail.com<mailto:percom2024workshops at gmail.com>.

Each workshop proposal must include:

1) The workshop title and acronym.

2) The name, address, and a short bio of up to 200 words for each of the workshop organizers; workshops may have up to three organizers.
It is strongly recommended that organizers belong to at least two different institutions.

3) A brief description (up to 2 pages) of:
-the technical issues that the workshop will address,
- the reasons the workshop is of interest to the PerCom community,
- a description of the communities/groups the workshop aims to attract,
- a short discussion of related workshops and conferences and an outline of why the proposed workshop is unique.

4) The planned format of the workshop (e.g., keynotes, paper presentations, posters, demos) and duration (e.g., one-day, half-day).
You must also provide a well-defined strategy to facilitate lively and interactive discussions.
In your plan, please also consider how you could support an engaging workshop.

5) A description of past editions of the workshop (if the workshop had already been held before), including the number of submitted and accepted papers and number of attendees. Please also address any differences between the proposed edition of the workshop and the previous edition(s). OR, if the workshop is new, an estimate of the expected number of submitted and accepted papers, and of the expected number of attendees.

6) A description of the publicity plan.

7) The names of potential program committee members.

8) The workshop website address. We are dedicated to support gender equality, hence we would like you to strive for a gender balance in the TPC and invited speakers. In addition, when appropriate, consider topics in the CFP addressing gender equality. For instance, one could include in the list of topics gender aspects such as fundamental requirements in the design of technology and systems, and solutions promoting gender diversity/neutrality.


Important Dates
Workshop proposal submission deadline: June 2nd, 2023
Notification: June 9th, 2023


Tentative dates for workshop paper submission and notification (*not* to be confused with the earlier dates for submitting workshop proposals!):

Paper submission deadline: November 17th, 2023
Paper notification: January 8th, 2024
Camera Ready Deadline: February 2nd, 2024


Workshop Chairs
Eirini Eleni Tsiropoulou, University of New Mexico, USA
Gabriele Civitarese, University of Milan, Italy

PerCom General Chairs
Philippe Lalanda, University of Grenoble, France
Claudio Bettini, University of Milan, Italy
Eirini Eleni Tsiropoulou, Assistant Professor
Computer Engineering Vice Chair
Director of Recruiting and Admissions

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM, 87131
Office: 326B
Tel.: (505)-277-5501
Email: eirini at unm.edu<mailto:eirini at unm.edu>
Website: PROTON Lab<http://ece-research.unm.edu/tsiropoulou/index.html>
PROTON Lab's News: @Tsiropoulou_EE<https://twitter.com/Tsiropoulou_EE>

"Those who know, do. Those that understand, teach." ~ Aristotle

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