[Air-L] CFP: AI and Fandom

Jacobs, Naomi naomi.jacobs at lancaster.ac.uk
Wed May 17 05:39:29 PDT 2023

Dear all,

On behalf of myself and fellow co-editor Suzanne Black, I would like to invite you to submit to the newly announced special issue of the open-access journal Transformative Works and Cultures, which will focus on AI and Fandom.

We are looking for multi and inter-disciplinary submissions which explore how artificial intelligence and related technologies may be used by and have impact on fans, fan studies research and production of content enjoyed by fans.

Suggested topics include:

  *   The use of generative AI by fans to create new forms of transformative work
  *   Fan responses to the development and use of AI including Large Language Models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT (for example, concerns that fanfiction archives may be part of the data scraped for training models)
  *   Explorations of copyright, ownership and authorship in the age of AI-generated material and transformative works
  *   Studies that examine fandoms centring on speculative AI and androids, (e.g. Her, Isaac Asimov, WestWorld, Star Trek)
  *   Methods for fan studies research that use AI and ML
  *   The use of AI in audience research and content development by media producers and studios
  *   Lessons that scholars of AI and its development can learn from fan studies and vice versa
  *   Ethics of AI in a fan context, for example deepfakes and the spread of misinformation
Deadline for submissions is January 1 2024, for an anticipated publication date of March 2025.

For full details please see further information at the following link:

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Best wishes,

Naomi Jacobs

Dr Naomi Jacobs
Lecturer in Design Policy and Futures Thinking
Lancaster Institute for the Contemporary Arts (LICA)
The LICA Building Lancaster University Bailrigg

Pronouns: She/her

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