[Air-L] WEBCAST SEP 6 – Broadband Freedom Of Choice – Virtual Town Hall

Joly MacFie joly at punkcast.com
Wed Sep 6 12:48:02 PDT 2023

This starts shortly. Our first webcast with Gigi since the FCC debacle.
REAL TIME TEXT https://bit.ly/3Lhv8IL

The angle of Wired Broadband Inc is that not only is fiber better than
wireless, but it is safer due to the lack of radiation involved.

[image: isoc live] <https://isoc.live/16859>On *Wednesday September 6 2023*
 at *16:00-18:00 EDT* (20:00-22:00 UTC) *Wired Broadband, Inc.
<https://www.wiredbroadband.org/>* presents a virtual town hall '*Broadband
Freedom Of Choice
Wired Broadband, Inc. is a New York City non-profit, founded in 2020,
focusing on safe technology for the public.

*Gigi Sohn*, Executive Dir., American Assoc. of Public Broadband
*Kimberly McKinley*, Chief Marketing Officer, Utopia Fiber
*Timothy Schoechle*, Ph.D, Consultant in Computer and Communications
Engineering & Policy

*Odette Wilkens*, Co-Founder, President & General Counsel, Wired Broadband,

The event will be simulcast live via a partnership with the *Internet
Society US New York Chapter <https://isoc-ny.org/> *(ISOC-NY).

*LIVESTREAM http://livestream.com/internetsociety2/broadbandfreedom

*PARTICIPATE VIA ZOOM https://bit.ly/3Z4rQhM <https://bit.ly/3Z4rQhM>*

*REAL TIME TEXT* (see *ISOC.LIVE <https://isoc.live/16859>*)

*TWITTER #broadbandfreedom <https://bit.ly/broadbandfreedom> @gigibsohn
@AAPBroadband @Kmckinley1249 @UTOPIAFiber Timothy Schoechle *

*MASTODON  #broadbandfreedom

*https://www.twitch.tv/isoclive <https://www.twitch.tv/isoclive>*
*https://www.facebook.com/liveisoc/ <https://www.facebook.com/liveisoc/>* (AI



Joly MacFie  +12185659365

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