[Air-L] Call for Proposals: ICA Panel on Brenda Dervin, Communication, and Global Human Rights

Reinhard, CarrieLynn creinhard at dom.edu
Fri Sep 15 13:10:12 PDT 2023

For those who might be interested in presenting at the 2024 ICA Conference in Australia, June 20-24, we (Lois Foreman-Wernet, David Schaefer, and CarrieLynn Reinhard) are drafting a proposal for a Conference Theme panel to celebrate the work of Brenda Dervin.
The theme this year is Communication and Global Human Rights, and it is intended to: 1) take stock of the contributions of communication scholarship to the study of human rights; 2) to foreground current research and practice; and 3) to outline promising directions for communication studies.
We think that Dervin’s work would fit well under this umbrella given her concern for dialogue and ensuring the voices of the unheard, her work focused on the communication practices of government and organizations, and SMM’s ability to bridge divides (disciplinary, methodological, and otherwise). It is clearly relevant to the topic and – of course, we would argue – more important than ever.
Submission guidelines require cross-divisional participation and contributions from at least two countries. Panelist diversity is also encouraged. The proposal should include a 500-word rationale explaining how the panel fits the conference theme plus a shorter 150-word rationale to appear in the conference program.
Please let us know if you are interested in participating and, if so, what you might contribute. Here is the link to the conference theme call for papers: https://cdn.ymaws.com/www.icahdq.org/resource/resmgr/conference/2024/2024-cfp.pdf.
If you are interested, then please email CarrieLynn Reinhard at creinhard at dom.edu with your idea for how to contribute by October 15th, 2023.

CarrieLynn D. Reinhard
Dominican University
Professor, Communication Arts and Sciences
Co-founder, Professional Wrestling Studies Association
Director, Social Media Minor
Director, Film Studies Minor


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