[Air-L] Professional Wrestling Studies Calls for MPCA/ACA and PCA/ACA

Reinhard, CarrieLynn creinhard at dom.edu
Fri Sep 15 13:28:24 PDT 2023

We are looking for some Chicago-based fans, scholars, professionals who can talk about Chicago's importance to professional wrestling.
This panel would be for an upcoming academic, popular culture conference from MPCA/ACA called "Wrestling in the Windy City." When: Friday, October 6th, 2:15-3:45
Where: DePaul Campus, Downtown Chicago
Possible Topics of Discussion:
- History of Chicago’s Importance to Professional Wrestling
- Touring Pro Wrestling Hotspots
- Chicago’s Approach for Pro Wrestling
and more!
Also, this April in Chicago, PCA/ACA returns to the Windy City, and so does the Professional Wrestling area! Share your research, scholarship, fandom, creative works with us at the conference -- especially if it's about Chicago's place in professional wrestling! https://pcaaca.org/page/submissionguidelines.
If you are interested in either, please email me at creinhard at dom.edu.

CarrieLynn D. Reinhard
Dominican University
Professor, Communication Arts and Sciences
Co-founder, Professional Wrestling Studies Association
Director, Social Media Minor
Director, Film Studies Minor


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