[Air-L] WEBCAST SEP 19 – The New Space Pioneers – From Indigenous Traditional Ecological Knowledge (ITEK) to the New Pioneers in Space

Joly MacFie joly at punkcast.com
Tue Sep 19 07:48:07 PDT 2023

NYC is kind of crazy this week, with the UN General Assembly under way and
a host of side events going on, including the Science Summit of which this
session is a part. ISOC-NY comes to this one because Vint Cerf speaks at
4pm (20:00 UTC)

[image: isoc.live] <http://isoc.live/>On *Tuesday September 19 2023 Galxyz
LLC <http://www.galxyz.com/>* and *NativeNet
<https://www.native-net.org/>* (TM),
in conjunction with *ISC Intelligence
<https://iscintelligence.com/science-summit-2023/>* present '*The New Space
Pioneers - From Indigenous Traditional Ecological Knowledge (ITEK) to the
New Pioneers in Space
as part of the *United Nations Science Summit General Assembly 78
<https://sciencesummitunga78.sched.com/>* in NYC. Topics include Space; as
the 18th Sustainable Development Goal, Indigenous Knowledge applied to the
future in Space, Life Support in Space, Interplanetary Internet, and
extreme advanced technologies planned by the leading pioneers in Space.

*Program https://bit.ly/3LoqoRH <https://bit.ly/3LoqoRH>*

*8:45 Introduction*
*Dan and Robin Hawk*

*8:49 Native Blessing*
*Jason Goodblanket* - Elder of Cheyenne Indian Nation

*9:00- Indigenous Space Social Justice, ITEK Artemis Objectives, Power of
Lunar Dust, Lunar Regolith, Space Radiation Hardening, Nuclear Space
Propulsion & Objective Due Regard SaaS*
*Dan Hawk* PHD ABD - Galxyz LLC, United First Nations Planetary Defense,
Intertribal Space Conference, Oneida Small Business Inc., BisonSat, LSIC
Sub-Lead, NASA Artemis Ethics Panel, Nuclear Submarine Operator,

*9:30 The current space debris environment and a brief history of small
debris contamination in earth orbits*
*Vitali Braun* - ESA (European Space Agency) Doctor of Engineering
(Dr.-Ing.) from the Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany

*10:00 Space sustainability via on-orbit servicing*
*Mark Muktoyuk* - Astroscale U.S. Inc. Senior GNC Systems Engineer / RPO
Team Lead - Native American Eskimo

*10:25 Unlocking the secrets of extraterrestrial plant immortality:
telomeres and oxidative stress response of Arabidopsis thaliana during
spaceflight and Lunar regolith*
*Borja Barbero Barcenilla*, PhD

*10:50 Living Systems: Closed Loop Solid State Photobioreactors (PBR’s),
Energy Mass Balances and Habitats in Space. Space Food and Medicine, Algae
& Superfoods. Identity of Things in Space and End to End Optical Network
*Robin Hawk* - Co-Founder Galxyz LLC

*11:15 Indigenous Communities as Gateways to a Sustainable Human Future in
*Michelle Hanlon* - For All Moonkind - Permanent Observer, United Nations
Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space

*12:00 The James Webb Space Telescope Mission*
*Dr. Matt Greenhouse* - NASA

*13:00 India in Space: Policy, Innovation, Strategy*
*Namrata Goswami* (Ph.D.) - Professor, Thunderbird School of Global

*13:35 Optical atomic clock aboard an Earth-orbiting space station (OACESS)* -
A concept for a high precision optical atomic clock orbiting on an Earth
Orbiting Space Station, always on time!
*Jun Ye* - JILA, NIST, CU

*14:10 Climate On Earth, In Space and The Creation Stories Project*
Moriba Jah - Privateer Space

*14:40 iSpace and Japan’s Aspirations for the Moon*
*Takeshi Hakamada* - iSpace inc. Founder and CEO, Japan

*15:15 Stargazing and Beyond: A Global Network of Citizen Astronomers*
*Franck Marchis*: SETI Institute, Carl Sagan Center, Unistellar, USA/France

*16:00 KEYNOTE - The Implications of an Interplanetary Internet*
*Vint Cerf* - Google

*LIVESTREAM https://livestream.com/internetsociety3/iteknewspacepioneers

*TWITTER #iteknewspacepioneers <https://bit.ly/45UhpQl>*

*https://www.twitch.tv/isoclive <https://www.twitch.tv/isoclive>*
*https://www.facebook.com/liveisoc/ <https://www.facebook.com/liveisoc/>*



Joly MacFie  +12185659365

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