[Air-L] Don't Buy the AI Hype: Guest Talk with Paris Marx in Toronto

Rafael Grohmann rafael-ng at uol.com.br
Wed Sep 20 18:35:55 PDT 2023

   For those folks who are around Toronto!
   October 2, 11AM, at University of Toronto, I'll host Paris Marx for a
   guest talk "Don’t buy the AI hype: Why the ChatGPT revolution is
   another tech fantasy". The talk will focus on critical studies of
   artificial intelligence, and the relationships between generative AI
   and corporate power.
   Paris Marx is a technology writer. They host [1]Tech Wont' Save Us, an
   award-winning critical technology podcast, and
   the [2]Disconnect newsletter. They published the book[3] Road to
   Nowhere: What Silicon Valley Gets Wrong about the Future of
   Transportation (Verso). The y already published on TIME, Wired,
   Insider, NBC News, CBC News, Jacobin, among others. Their research
   interests are technology, cities, and the "future".
   The event is free, open and only in-person at University of Toronto
   Scarborough, room BV 260 (Bladen Wing) 1265 Military Trail Toronto, ON
   M1C 1A4.
   Register here:
   (for UofT community)
   (for external guests)
   This guest talk is co-organized by the department of Arts, Culture and
   Media (University of Toronto), Critical Digital Methods Institute and
   Please spread the word!
   best regards,


   dr. Rafael Grohmann

   Assistant Professor of Media Studies

   [6]Department of Arts, Culture and Media

   [7]Faculty of Information
   University of Toronto

   Leader, [8]DigiLabour

   Principal Investigator, [9]Fairwork[10] Brazil

   International Experts Coordinator, [11]Platform Work Inclusion Living


   1. https://techwontsave.us/
   2. https://www.disconnect.blog/
   3. https://www.versobooks.com/en-ca/products/2795-road-to-nowhere
   4. https://clnx.utoronto.ca/home/utsceventaggregator.htm?eventId=58275
   5. https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/dont-buy-the-ai-hype-why-the-chatgpt-revolution-is-another-tech-fantasy-tickets-722973833197?aff=oddtdtcreator
   6. https://www.utsc.utoronto.ca/acm/rafael-grohmann
   7. https://ischool.utoronto.ca/profile/rafael-grohmann/
   8. https://digilabour.com.br/
   9. https://fair.work/
  10. https://fair.work/
  11. https://pwill.eu/

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