[Air-L] WEBCAST SEP 28 – 4th GFCE Triple-I workshop in India

Joly MacFie joly at punkcast.com
Wed Sep 27 21:34:51 PDT 2023

This is under way. Full programme! Morning Real Time Text is

[image: ISOC LIVE] <https://isoc.live/16920>On *Thursday 28th September
2023* the *4th GFCE Triple-I workshop in India
<https://triple-i-workshop-2023.gfce-events.com/>* will be held at the
Indian Institute of Technology in Guwahati (IIT-G), and in conjunction
with *InSIG
2023 <https://insig.in/>*. The *GFCE Triple-I initiative
<https://thegfce.org/>* facilitates awareness raising and capacity building
events in different regions of the world in order to enhance justified
trust in the use of Internet and/or email in those regions through
multistakeholder cooperation. This workshop is fully devoted to
support the *Digital
India Action plan <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_India>*, and aims
at bringing together local stakeholders with local, national and global
experts to explore together what steps to take to enhance justified trust
in the use of the Internet and/or email in the region.

*PROGRAMME* (All times IST = UTC+5.5)

*09:00 Opening by Host and Moderator: Welcome and Intent of the Day*
*Satish Babu*, India School for Internet Governance
*Maarten Botterman*., GFCE Triple-I moderator,
*Prof. Sukumar Nandi*, Senior Professor, Department of Computer Science &
Engineering, India Institute of Technology, Guwahati
*09:30 Block I: Better Use of Today’s Open Internet Standards*:
*Section 1: DNSSEC, TLS and DANE*: *Yazid Akanho* and *Jia Rong Low* (ICANN)
*Section 2: RPKI and ROA: APNIC* – *Terry Sweetser* (APNIC)
*Section 3: DMARC, DKIM, SPF* – *Gerasim Hovhannisyan* (EasyDMARC)
*Section 4: IPv6: Anurag Bhatia* (Hurricane Electric)
*Section 5: Current status of adoption based on internet.nl
<http://internet.nl/> measuring: **Anand Raje*.
*11:15 Block II part 1: Inspiration from Good Practice Actions*
*Internet Resilience Index*: *Sarah Lake* (ISOC)
*MANRS: * *Anand Raje* (MANRS Ambassador)
*KINDNS: Jia Rong Low* (ICANN).
*13:30 Block II part 2: Inspiration from Good Practice Actions*
*DDOS mitigation:  Octavia de Weerdt*, NBIP
*IoT security: Maarten Botterman* (IGF DC IoT)
*UA/IDN status overview for India: Jia-Rong Low (ICANN), Anil Jain*
*15:15 Block III: Planning for a More Trusted Internet: Marketplace for
Facilitated brainstorm
*16:45 Conclusions and Closing Remarks*

*Maarten Botterman*, GFCE Triple I Coordinator

*LIVESTREAM https://livestream.com/internetsociety/GFCE-India4

*REAL TIME TEXT* (see *ISOC.LIVE <https://isoc.live/16920>*)

*TWITTER #theGFCE <https://bit.ly/theGFCE> #CyberCapacityBuilding @theGFCE*

*MASTODON  #theGFCE <https://mastodon.social/tags/theGFCE>*

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*Permalink https://isoc.live/16920 <https://isoc.live/16920>*


Joly MacFie  +12185659365

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