[Air-L] Call for papers: International workshop on AI and surveillance in policing and law and order: Opportunities, threats, perspectives and cases, October 16-18, 2024

Marie Eneman marie.eneman at ait.gu.se
Tue Jul 2 04:32:22 PDT 2024

Dear colleagues,

We are very pleased to announce following call for papers to:

International workshop on AI and surveillance in policing and law and order: Opportunities, threats, perspectives and cases

Workshop organisers:
Marie Eneman, Gothenburg University
Jan Ljungberg, Gothenburg University
Diana Miranda, University of Stirling
William Webster, University of Stirling

The workshop takes place October 16-18, 2024 at the Department of Applied Information Technology at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

Purpose of the workshop
The purpose of the workshop is to provide an international platform for researchers from different disciplinary areas and academic levels to meet to critically discuss and reflect on different use cases illustrating AI-enabled surveillance in policing contexts. Our aspiration is to generate and share new contributions to knowledge around the existing, future and potential uses of AI, and their implications and consequences, in policing and law and order.  In this respect, we aim to reflect on contemporary technological development as well as, and alongside, significant legal, organisational and political contexts. The European AI Act, for example, will play a role in shaping the regulatory environment. Issues relating to how law enforcement authorities navigate and balance the borderland between, on the one hand, the rapid technological development and recently extended mandate to use new technology as part of the authority's work practice, and the emerging comprehensive policy and regulatory framework in which the AI Act has a significant role. Balancing the possibilities with AI for law enforcement while adjusting and balancing the work practices to new regulation will likely create a set of tensions and dilemmas, and may possibly also lead to institutional conflicts.

Following on from the workshop the organisers will facilitate the publication of an edited collection on the topic of the workshop to the Routledge Studies in Surveillance book series [https://www.routledge.com/Routledge-Studies-in-Surveillance/book-series/RSSURV]. We aim to include all workshop contributions in this edited collection. Chapter contributions are expected to be in the range of 5-6,000 words.

Important dates
The deadline for paper proposals (extended abstracts up to 2,000 words) to the workshop is 2nd September 2024
Authors will be notified concerning paper acceptance by 9th September 2024
Workshop takes place 16th-18th October 2024
Deadline for full chapters 3rd February 2025
Review and revision of chapters to take place in February and March 2025
Submission of final manuscript to Routledge, April 2025

The workshop will be delivered in a hybrid format, which will accommodate presentations delivered by Zoom, although we are particularly keen for participants to attend in-person. There is no cost to participate in the workshop apart from possible travel and accommodation costs. The cost of refreshments, lunches and dinner are covered by the host institution.

Please spread the call to anyone who would be interested in submitting a paper and who would also be a good fit for the edited book! All info is attached.

Welcome to contact us with any questions - marie.eneman at ait.gu.se<mailto:marie.eneman at ait.gu.se>!

Best wishes,
Marie Eneman, Diana Miranda, Jan Ljungberg and William Webster

Marie Eneman (Docent/Associate Professor)
University of Gothenburg
Department of Applied IT
417 56 Gothenburg

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