[Air-L] Barry Wellman

Nicholas John n.john at mail.huji.ac.il
Fri Jul 12 00:17:12 PDT 2024

The Association of Internet Researchers is deeply saddened to hear of the
passing of Professor Barry Wellman
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barry_Wellman> on July 9, 2024.

Barry was pioneering social network analysis in the late 1970s before many
people had heard of the internet, and his many contributions and
collaborations are amongst the most important foundations of Internet
Studies. Barry was a keynote speaker at AoIR’s first conference,
subsequently served on the AoIR Executive Committee, and by 2004 was
already reflecting
back <https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1461444804040633> on the
formation of Internet Studies as a coherent area.

He was a keen collaborator and treasured colleague by many in the AoIR
community and academia more broadly.

AoIR extends their condolences to Barry’s partner, Bev, his family, friends
and many, many colleagues and collaborators. He will be missed; his legacy
lives on.

An online condolence book
is available for those wishing to leave a personal message or reflection.

Nicholas John
Associate Professor
President, Association of Internet Researchers
Department of Communication and Journalism
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
@nik at aoir.social

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