[Air-L] Fwd: ICA CL&P: Vice Chair position call for candidates

Aram Sinnreich aram at american.edu
Mon Jul 22 12:31:45 PDT 2024

Fellow AoIRistas,

Over in ICA-land we’re looking for someone to run for Vice Chair of Comm Law & Policy. Great position for a mid-career internet scholar. Plus, the added benefit is you’d be serving alongside with me (I’ll be taking up the role of Chair next year).

Please consider throwing your hat in the ring.



Begin forwarded message:

From: International Communication Association <noreply at icahdq.org>
Subject: ICA CL&P: Vice Chair position call for candidates
Date: July 19, 2024 at 12:44:20 AM EDT
To: aram at american.edu

External Email: Use caution with links and attachments.

This email is being sent by International Communication Association on behalf of Luzhou Nina Li / Luzhou.Li at monash.edu
Hi everyone,

It was great to see many of you at the ICA Gold Coast!

I’m writing on behalf of the CLP leadership team to invite interest in running for a key leadership role in our division: Vice Chair. This position is a two-year term (4-year commitment: serves two years as Vice Chair, then serves two years as Chair). During the term, the Vice Chair will lead as Conference Planner for the 2026 Cape Town and 2027 Chicago conferences. The position will commence at the close of the 2025 Denver conference. More information about the role can be found: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.icahdq.org/page/div-ig-candidate-info__;!!IaT_gp1N!y2MHSTWPTZ3P7RN-Oh6m5hRETaZcczqWsa6LLuJ2fmNjFRbXTiuZVn-uef0dZmSFkZ3wPw-vXo6XhtHn$ .

Both self-nominations and nominations are welcome. If you are interested in running for this position, please send me your candidate statement by THURSDAY, AUGUST 8TH, NOON EST. Statements are limited to one paragraph with 2000 characters (approximately 300 words) and should be submitted in plain text with no special formatting (i.e., no bold, underline, bulleted items).

Please reach out to me (luzhou.li at monash.edu) or our current Vice Chair, Aram Sinnreich (aram at american.edu), if you have any questions about the position. We would be happy to discuss the responsibilities and opportunities of this role. We are especially interested in hearing from active members from all geographical regions and would appreciate your help in spreading the word among your networks.

All the best,
Nina Li, Chair
On behalf of the CLP team


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