[Air-L] Invitation to Participate in Survey on GenAI in Research, Cultural Heritage, and Education

Shani Evenstein Sigalov shani.even at gmail.com
Mon Jun 3 12:12:02 PDT 2024

Dear all,

Due to requests from some participants around the world, the deadline has
been extended to June 15th.
If you have been experimenting with GenAI and are in Education / Academia /
Research / Cultural Heritage sector,
we would highly appreciate you supporting this study by taking a few
minutes to fill out the survey.

Thanks in advance to all the helpers!
Shani & Jane.

On Thu, May 9, 2024 at 4:26 AM Shani Evenstein Sigalov <shani.even at gmail.com>

> Dear Air-L community,
> We are Jane Winters, Professor of Digital Humanities at the University of
> London, and Shani Evenstein Sigalov, Visiting Fellow at the Digital
> Humanities Research Hub (DHRH) at the University of London. We are
> interested in better understanding the implications of Generative AI on
> knowledge consumption and knowledge production processes and we are
> reaching out to* invite you to participate in a survey on ‘Attitudes
> towards Generative AI in Research, Cultural Heritage, and Education’.*
> The aim of this research is to gain insight into understandings and uses
> of AI in professional practice, and specifically in research, higher
> education and the cultural heritage sector, and to explore attitudes to
> these developing technologies. This will inform further research into
> issues of trust and the value of structured data and human expertise when
> designing and implementing Generative AI tools.
> As a researcher / practitioner in one or more of these fields, your
> insights will be invaluable in understanding the current landscape and
> future potential of generative AI applications. The survey should take
> between 10-15 minutes (depending on how much you would like to share), and
> your responses will remain confidential.
> Here is a shareable link to the survey:
> https://forms.office.com/e/MjvHAUBTAG.
> We would also be grateful if you could also share the link to the survey
> with relevant colleagues, fellow educators, and professionals in the
> cultural heritage sector. By participating and spreading the word, you are
> directly contributing to the growth of knowledge in this rapidly evolving
> field. The results of this survey will be shared openly in order to
> contribute to an evidence base for the development of future policy and
> practice.
> The survey will be open until the end of May 2024, and we very much
> appreciate your time and collaboration. If you have any questions about the
> research, please feel free to email us.
> Thank you very much for taking the time to complete this survey.
> Best wishes,
> Prof. Jane Winters,
> Professor of Digital Humanities & Director of the Digital Humanities
> Research Hub,
> School of Advanced Study, University of London
> Dr. Shani Evenstein Sigalov,
> Visiting Fellow, Digital Humanities Research Hub
> School of Advanced Study, University of London.

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