[Air-L] WEBCAST 17 JUN – DCAD Session at EuroDig — The European Accessibility Act: a Model for a More Accessible Digital Europe

Joly MacFie joly at punkcast.com
Mon Jun 17 00:15:31 PDT 2024

This has just started. Human captions are available on the stream and zoom.

[image: isoc live]
On *Monday 17 June 2024* at *10:00 - 11:00 EEST* (07:00-08:00 UTC) the *IGF
Dynamic Coalition on Accessibility and Disability
hosts a *Eurodig 2024
' *The European Accessibility Act: a Model for a More Accessible Digital

The *European Accessibility Act
effect in April 2019. The Act's goals are to improve the trade between
members of the EU for accessible products and services, by removing
country-specific rules. This law was built to complement the EU's Web
Accessibility Directive of 2016 and includes a wide range of systems
including personal devices such as computers, smartphones, e-books, and
TVs, as well as public services like television broadcasts, ATMs, ticketing
machines, public transport services, banking services and e-commerce sites
that must be accessible to persons of disabilities.

This session will focus on how well several European organizations are
living up to these goals and making the EU as accessible as possible.

*Vilmantas Balcikonis*, Vice President, Lithuanian Association of the Blind
and Partially Sighted
Lidia Best, President of the European Federation of Hard of Hearing People
*Indre Jurgelioniene*, Chief Advisor, Lithuanian Communications Regulatory
Authority / Co-Chair, Body of European Regulators for Electronic
Communications (BEREC) End-User Working Group
*Giacomo Mazzone*, EDMO Advisory Board / EuroDig Board
*Dr. Olivier Crepin-LeBlond* (In Person)
*Dr. Mohammed Shabbir*, Co-coordinator, DCAD (Remote)

*LIVESTREAM https://livestream.com/internetsociety/eurodig2024-eaa

*REAL TIME TEXT https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=CFI-EuroDig

*TWITTER #EAA #eu #a11y @_eurodig #DCAD @IntGovForum @LASS_Lithuania
@best_lidia #BEREC @EDMO_EUI #EuroDIG2024*

*MASTODON https://mastodon.social/tags/EAA


*** ISOC.LIVE is free community webcasting support service sponsored by the
the Internet Society New York Chapter (ISOC-NY) - Big thanks to our June
2024 funder Vint Cerf ***


Joly MacFie  +12185659365

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