[Air-L] "When the Field is Online" newsletter

Janet Salmons jsalmons at vision2lead.com
Tue Jun 18 08:02:32 PDT 2024

Hello qualitative and mixed methods research fans!

You might have observed that some of the old concepts of online community are finding new interpretations. The idea of a members-only walled garden was derided not long ago. Now it doesn't seem so crazy to wall off blinking ads, AI bots, bullies, and other online weirdness. Content-focused email newsletters have made a comeback! 

That is one reason I'm starting a (free) monthly newsletter on Substack: "When the Field is Online." Starting in August of 2024, each issue will focus on a specific topic related to qualitative research and our roles and experiences as researchers. While I use the term online, I intend it as shorthand for any information and communications technology, including apps, that we might use in research. 

Each issue will include a variety of materials including:
- Original essays (not generated by AI!)
- Video interviews and podcasts
- Curated collections of open access resources
- Journal prompts and suggestions for creative activities
- Resources for teaching and learning
- News from the field: publications and coming events

One reason I am sharing this project with you is to ask that when you have a relevant publication or news to share you will let me know so I can include it.

Subscribe here:  https://tinyurl.com/qualnews

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