[Air-L] VIII International Conference on Online Journalism - CFP

Inês Amaral inesamaral at gmail.com
Thu Jun 20 17:58:35 PDT 2024

The organization of the VIII International Conference on Online Journalism
(#8COBCIBER) invites interested researchers to submit, *by June 30,
2024,* communication
proposals to be presented at the conference.

Communications should be about Cyberjournalism, with special preference for
the topic of this #8COBCIBER, *"Platforms and players: embracing
innovation, facing challenges".* It is suggested that proposals may
address, among others, the following topics:

*- Social implications of the “platformization” process;- Innovation in
social media platforms;- Relevant platforms and actors in disinformation;-
New actors in the face of cyberjournalistic authority;- Artificial
Intelligence and cyberjournalism;- Cybermedia, attention economy and
Algorithms;- Privacy and security of cyber media and cyber journalists;-
Corporate communication in digital environments vs. Cyberjournalism;- Media
literacy and cyberjournalism;- Consumption of online news and psychosocial
effects;- Business models and monetization in cyberjournalism;-
Cyberjournalism and diversity (social, cultural, etc.);- Cyberjournalism
and gamification;- New cyberjournalisms;- Cyberjournalism and audience(s);-
Cyberjournalism as a response to “news deserts”;- Strategies to mitigate
growing news avoidance*

Proposals, in the form of an extended abstract, may be written in *English,
Portuguese, Spanish or French.*
Each must include a description of *400 to 500 words*, which includes, in
particular, the topic and its relevance, hypothesis or argument, conceptual
and methodological framework, expected results and up to five keywords.

Researchers must fill out this form to submit their proposals. The
#8COBCIBER Scientific Committee will evaluate the proposals, and the *result
will be communicated to all authors by July 31st*.

The final articles may be published in *an edition of the journal* Estudos
em Comunicação / Communication Studies
Q3), which will have a call for papers aligned with the Congress theme, or
in a *book to be published by Livros LabCom*. In both cases, *publications
will take place in 2025*, and authors must deliver *complete articles by
June 30, 2025.*

#8COBCIBER is organized by ObCiber - Cyberjournalism Observatory
CITCEM - Transdisciplinary Research Center for Culture, Space and Memory
<https://citcem.org/en/> and
FLUP - Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto

More information:


Inês Amaral
Professora Associada | Associate Professor

Universidade de Coimbra • Faculdade de Letras | University of Coimbra •
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Largo da Porta Férrea | 3004-530 • Coimbra • Portugal
Tel. | Phone: +351 239 410 090
E-mail: ines.amaral at uc.pt
www.uc.pt | www.uc.pt/fluc

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