[Air-L] Ph.D. position in Philosophy: Reconstructing AI Narratives

Gianni, Robert (PHILOSOPHY) r.gianni at maastrichtuniversity.nl
Mon May 13 10:46:17 PDT 2024

Dear Air Listers,

I am happy to share that we are hiring a PhD Candidate at Maastricht University in the Netherlands.

The Ph.D. project will focus on analyzing the metaphors and symbolism that inform Artificial Intelligence narratives and their ethical and political implications. While contemporary debates around AI often center on steering or limiting its impact, less attention is paid to the underlying concepts and their assumed universality. Concepts such as intelligence, humanity, and ethical prerequisites for responsible AI form the bedrock of AI discourse, necessitating critical scrutiny. This project aims to reconstruct the development of these symbolic and conceptual aspects that contribute to the prevailing narratives around AI. In order to do so, it is important to integrate a theoretical approach with an empirical one that involves different stakeholders.

The PhD candidate will be based 50% in the Philosophy department at FASoS, and 50% at Brightlands Institute for Smart Society (BISS).

At FASoS the position is embedded in the Maastricht University Science and Technology Studies Research Group (MUSTS). There you will be supervised by Dr. Darian Meacham and Dr. Robert Gianni.

Are you interested in this exciting position and have questions? Please refer to the job description<https://www.academictransfer.com/en/341029/phd-position-in-philosophy-reconstructing-ai-narratives/> or feel free to contact Dr Robert Gianni at r.gianni at maastrichtuniversity.nl<mailto:r.gianni at maastrichtuniversity.nl>  for more information.

All the best,


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