[Air-L] 2nd Cultural Studies conference. Mobilities in context with David Morley and Anette Hill

Daniel Aranda Juarez darandaj at uoc.edu
Tue May 14 00:52:24 PDT 2024

Our conference
is grounded in the work of David Morley, emphasizing the importance of
paying attention to the materialities and contexts of mobile communications
in relation to our everyday, always situated life: "context is no 'optional
extra' which we might study at the end of the analytic process but rather,
is best seen as a 'starting point' which has determining effects on both
production and consumption" (2017, 2). In a recent book, Morley, along with
Annette Hill, Maren Hartmann, and Magnus Andersson, introduces the concept
of "mobile socialities" as a generative concept to reclaim the
anthropological tradition of cultural and media reception studies and
incorporate them into mobilities, reflecting on people in motion and the
role of mobile media in everyday life.

The paradigm of mobilities has opened up the field of social sciences to
explore the role of movement in the constitution and functioning of
institutions and social practices in recent decades (Urry, 2007): the
constant flow of people, objects, money, communications, and ideas. These
are physical or imaginary movements that also involve complex combinations
of networks, relationships, technologies, and systems, not limited to fixed

This mobility paradigm is defined as a non-media-centric approach and
suggests moving away from solely identifying communicative processes and
practices with the phenomenon of media and technologies. From this
perspective, mobile communications allow experiencing everyday life as a
continuum that problematizes the fragmentation of the public and private,
production and reproduction, as well as the division between spaces and
territories. The relational aspect is crucial and necessary to emphasize in
a current climate and migration crisis: what happens in one place affects
another, and people's experiences of life, their relationship with ideas,
imaginaries and objects are very different, intersectional, interdependent,
changing and dynamic.

The aim of the conference is to contextualize mobilities and think about
them in connection with socialities, representations, and discourses of
popular culture, a central element of our contemporary societies, and the
sense of belonging that these mobile communications enhance in communities,
territories, cultures and traditions.

We invite participants to explore mobilities in relation to the following
general themes:

   - Socialities, Migrations, and Geographies of Mobility
   - Imaginaries and Representations of Mobility
   - Everyday Life and Mobile Communications
   - Mobilities, Belonging and Identities
   - Power and Mobility/Immobility
   - Consumption, Mobilities and Domestication
   - Media Industries, Regulation and Mobilities

Annette Hill is Professor of Media and Communications at Jönköping
University. Her research focuses on media audiences, with interests in
media engagement, mobile socialities, citizens and sustainable democracy,
everyday life, genres, production studies and cultures of viewing.

David Morley Emeritus professor at Goldsmiths University. His work spans
media audience/technology studies, cultural geography and globalisation. As
a member of the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies in Birmingham, he
developed empirical research based on the paradigm-setting
encoding/decoding model of media audiences. He has held visiting
Professorships/Fellowships at universities in Australia, China, France,
Mexico, Spain, Sweden and the United States. His work has been translated
into 22 languages. His last book is ‘Communications and Mobility: the
Migrant, the Mobile Phone and the Container Box“ (Wiley Blackwell, 2017).

Conference information


Daniel Aranda Juarez
Estudis de Ciències de la Informació i de la Comunicació
Sotsdirector de recerca
darandaj at uoc.edu
grup recerca GAME
ORCID 0000-0001-9290-0708

Campus UOC
Rambla del Poblenou, 156
08018 Barcelona


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