[Air-L] Big trends in digital politics, advocacy and communications

Colin Delany cpd at his.com
Wed May 15 11:38:12 PDT 2024

Howdy folks, check out my look at the Big Trends shaping digital politics & advocacy in 2024:


This piece is adapted from Chapter 17 of my digital campaigning handbook, "How to Use the Internet to Change the World - and Win Elections", now in its 11th edition. Learn more at: https://www.epolitics.com/winning/

More to come! Epolitics.com is back to publishing regularly these days, after a pandemic-era slumber. Lots of great stuff on the upcoming content calendar, and I'll drop occasional links to the most relevant pieces here. 

A big thank-you to everyone who's picked up a copy of the ebook in the past!


Colin Delany
Epolitics.com -- digital strategy for politics and advocacy
cpd at epolitics.com

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