[Air-L] Talk (hybrid) by John Postill on digital ethnography as a flat methodology (June 11, 17-18:30 CET)

Monika Palmberger monika.palmberger at univie.ac.at
Fri May 24 02:14:25 PDT 2024

Dear all,


The Digital Ethnography Initiative (DEI) at the University of Vienna invites you to a talk by Dr. John Postill (RMIT): “Digital ethnography as a flat methodology”.


The talk will take place at the University of Vienna and online and will be followed by a discussion.


Date: June 11, 2024

Time: 17.00-18.30 CET

Place: Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, 4. floor, HS-C

NIG, Universitaetsstr. 7, 1010 Vienna


Meeting link: 



You can find more information on the DEI website: 



Best wishes,

Monika, Philipp, Suzana



Dr. Monika Palmberger



Latest publications


Migrants and New Media: Digital Ethnography, Transnationalism, and Superdiversity. In The Oxford Handbook of Superdiversity. 2023.


Refugees enacting (digital) citizenship through placemaking and care practices near and far. In Citizenship Studies. 2022.


Doing Research at Online and Offline Intersections: Bringing Together Digital and Mobile Methodologies (with Katja Kaufmann). In Media and Communication. 2022.


Narratives of Transnational Placemaking. Exploring Migrant Workers’ Hidden Histories through Memory-Guided City Walks. In Narrative Culture. 2022.


The Nexus of Anthropology and Narrative: Ethnographic Encounters with Storytelling Practices (with Barbara Götsch). In Narrative Culture. 2022. 


Special issues

Across mobile online and offline spaces: Reflections on methods, practices, and ethics (with Katja Kaufmann). In Media and Communication, 2022. 

‘Let me tell you a story‘: anthropological encounters with narrative (with Barbara Götsch). In Narrative Culture, 2022.


Care across Distance: Ethnographic Explorations of Aging and Migration (with Azra Hromadzic), Berghahn (Paperback) 2022. 






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