[Air-L] Mobile Media & Communication Call for Software Reviews

Adriana de Souza e Silva aasilva at ncsu.edu
Fri May 31 05:28:49 PDT 2024

Dear colleagues, 

The Sage Journal Mobile Media & Communication (5-year IF: 4.8) invites submissions to their Software Review Section <https://journals.sagepub.com/pb-assets/cmscontent/mmc/Research%20Software%20Reviews%20in%20Mobile%20Media_final-1646042282.pdf>. 

The Software Review Section <https://journals.sagepub.com/pb-assets/cmscontent/mmc/Research%20Software%20Reviews%20in%20Mobile%20Media_final-1646042282.pdf> provides a forum for discussing, enhancing, and acknowledging the development of open-source research software in mobile media and communication. The section calls on researchers to present software they have developed or review software they have used in mobile communication research. The goal is to make innovative software known and accessible to a broad audience and thereby to contribute to the advancement of mobile communication research. 

Submissions of Software Presentations and Software Reviews are 1000 words and undergo a constructive review process with a timely turnaround. Presentations and Reviews are published each as single articles in Mobile Media & Communication. 

You can find more information on the journal’s submission page <https://journals.sagepub.com/author-instructions/MMC#ArticleTypes>: https://shorturl.at/ttY0H .

Don't hesitate to get in touch with Section Editor Jakob Ohme <jakob.ohme at weizenbaum-institut.de <mailto:jakob.ohme at weizenbaum-institut.de>> with any questions.

Adriana de Souza e Silva, Ph.D.
University Faculty Scholar | Professor
Dept. of Communication | NC State University
www.souzaesilva.com <http://www.souzaesilva.com/> 

Co-Editor, Mobile Media & Communication <https://journals.sagepub.com/home/mmc>
Vice-Chair, ICA Mobile Communication Division <https://www.icamobile.org/>
Director, The Networked Mobilities Lab <https://nml.chass.ncsu.edu/>
Associate Director, CRDM Ph.D. Program <https://crdm.chass.ncsu.edu/>

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