[Air-L] Release: 10th anniversary issue of the RESET journal, "Digital objects, social objects"

Francesca Musiani francesca.musiani at gmail.com
Fri Sep 27 06:00:47 PDT 2024

Dear colleagues,

The RESET journal is pleased to announce the publication of its 13th issue
in open access online. This 10th anniversary issue, "Digital objects,
social objects", (https://journals.openedition.org/reset/4874) celebrates
the ten years of existence of the journal by bringing together a series of
unpublished texts organized into three main themes: influencers and digital
media, platforms, and digital capitalism and protest. Two original research
articles complete the issue in the Varia section.

You will find the summary below. Please note that the articles are in
French with the exception of Lizzie Richardson's.


Anne-Sophie Béliard, Éric Dagiral & Sébastien François, “RESET: ten years
of social science investigation(s) on the internet”,

Influencers and digital media
Baptiste Kotras & Vinciane Zabban, “Part I - Influencers and digital
media”, https://journals.openedition.org/reset/4940
Valérie Beaudouin, “From the “community” model to the “influence” model or
how the relationship between organizations and amateurs has changed”,
Jaércio da Silva, “A connected research notebook, a multiplied researcher.
The use of smartphones for field research »,
Quentin Gilliotte, « Identifying and mapping producers of political
analyses on YouTube », https://journals.openedition.org/reset/5412

Beyond platforms: citizen participation and work in a digital regime
Céline Borelle & Victor Potier, « Part II - Beyond platforms: citizen
participation and work in a digital regime »,
Clément Mabi, « Putting technologies in their “rightful place”? Critical
review of 10 years of work on citizen participation in a digital context »,
Lizzie Richardson, « Space, place, and digital technologies »,

Capitalism and protests
Anne Bellon, Clément Marquet & Francesca Musiani, « Part III - Capitalism
and protests », https://journals.openedition.org/reset/4958
Victor-Manuel Afonso Marques, « From one server to another. The commercial
reconfigurations of data logistics »,
Aube Richebourg, « What remains of the internet utopia? Ongoing research on
utopian persistence in the production of digital tools »,
Olivier Alexandre, « The digital: in search of fieldwork(s) »,

Thomas Jammet & Maël Dif-Pradalier, « Doing with or in place of
beneficiaries: the care of job seekers in a digital context, between
promotion of autonomy and control »,
Julien Figeac, Anne Sophie Beliard, Laëtita Bideau & Liza Rives, « When the
pluralism of information on digital networks becomes toxic: the tactics of
media underexposure and relational withdrawal »,

We take this opportunity to remind you that in addition to our calls for
thematic contributions, we will be happy to read any submission of articles
following our permanent call for Varia (

The RESET editorial board

Francesca Musiani, Ph.D.

Chargée de recherche HDR | Associate Research Professor, CNRS
Directrice adjointe | Deputy Director, Centre for Internet and Society
<https://cis.cnrs.fr> (UPR 2000 & GDR 2091 CNRS)
Chercheuse associée | Associate Researcher, i3-CSI
<http://www.csi.ensmp.fr/>, MINES ParisTech
Global Fellow, Internet Governance Lab <https://internetgovernancelab.org>,
American University

I'm involved in projects: IAction
SoBigData++ <http://www.sobigdata.eu> | TIGre
I help co-editing: Internet Policy Review <https://policyreview.info> |
RESET <https://journals.openedition.org/reset/>
I'm an advisor for: ISOC France <https://www.isoc.fr> | ANSSI

I'm here on the Web <https://cis.cnrs.fr/francesca-musiani/>, including my

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