MATHIAS FELIPE DE LIMA SANTOS mathias.felipe at unifesp.br
Sun Sep 29 17:20:26 PDT 2024

Interested in submitting to the ICA Journalism Studies Division? Or are you
considering becoming a member?

We are organizing online chats via Zoom next week to introduce our division
and the resources we offer to new members and to those who are considering
joining our division. We will conduct two sessions to accommodate as many
as we can across different time zones. Please share this with those you
think may be interested. You can sign up on the following links:

*Session 1: **⁠**October 9 at 830am Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)*; 130pm
Islamabad; 2pm New Delhi; 330pm Bangkok; 430pm Singapore; 530pm Tokyo;
730pm Sydney; 930pm Auckland. Please sign up here: https://bit.ly/icajsd1009

*Session 2: October 10 at 3pm Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)*; 9am Los Angeles;
10am Lima; 11am New York; 12nn Santiago; 4pm London; 5pm Cape Town; 6pm
Nairobi; 7pm Dubai. Please sign up here: https://bit.ly/icajsd1010

We hope to see you in at least one of the two sessions!

Edson Tandoc (Chair), Eugenia Mitchelstein (Vice Chair), Stine Eckert
(Secretary), Raul Ferrer-Conill (International Liaison), and Mathias Felipe
de Lima Santos (Student and Early Career Representative)

*Mathias Felipe de Lima Santos*

*Department of Media, Communications, Creative Arts, Language, and
Literature (MCCALL), Fa**culty of Arts*


[image: Escola Paulista de Medicina - EPM - Página Inicial]
*Mathias-Felipe de-Lima-Santos*Researcher
Institute of Science and Technology
Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp)
mathias.felipe at unifesp.br
*Google Scholar
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<https://www.linkedin.com/in/mathiasfelipe/> [image: Orcid]


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