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<div align="left"><font face="Arial"><span style="font-size:10pt">Hello everybody </span></font></div>
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<div align="left"><font face="Arial"><span style="font-size:10pt">My name is João Martins and I am a post-graduated student in
Communication (MA), </span></font></div>
<div align="left"><font face="Arial"><span style="font-size:10pt">finishing a thesis about the social dynamics of Gnutella
development. Now, I am working in a project for a doctorate in
social sciences. My intent is to investigate the brasilian government
investiments in Open Source. This scene, in my country, is
becoming every day more clear to me, but I can't say the same
thing about the internacional context of government aid in OS
projects. My question is: did anybody here knows about any article
related to that relantionship in any country? </span></font></div>
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<div align="left"><font face="Arial"><span style="font-size:10pt">Best regards </span></font></div>
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<div align="left"><font face="Arial"><span style="font-size:10pt">PS - Just to ilustrate this context in Brasil (f anyone becames
curious...): recetlly, the brasilian congress starts a considerable
investiment with the intention of stimulate the use of free software
by a lot of public organs. The actions includes an investimet of R$
6.3 milions (almost US$ 2 milions) in projects related to the concept
of Free Software, besides the creation of a parliamentarian group
related to the free software, during an event called "Free Software
Week in the Legislative". </span></font></div>
<div align="left"><font face="Arial"><span style="font-size:10pt">Did anyone knows about something like this in any other country? </span></font></div>
<div align="left"><font face="Arial"><span style="font-size:10pt"> </span></font></div>
<div align="left"><font face="Arial"><span style="font-size:10pt">==</span></font></div>
<div align="left"><font face="Arial"><span style="font-size:10pt">João Martins. joao_martins@terra.com.br</span></font></div>
<div align="left"><font face="Arial"><span style="font-size:10pt">Post graduated program in Communication </span></font></div>
<div align="left"><font face="Arial"><span style="font-size:10pt">Fluminense Federal University </span></font></div>
<div align="left"><font face="Arial"><span style="font-size:10pt">Rua Tiradentes, 148, Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil </span></font></div>
<div align="left"><font face="Arial"><span style="font-size:10pt">24510-590. 55-21-2618-3409</span></font></div>
<div align="left"><font face="Arial"><span style="font-size:10pt">Curriculum Vitae </span></font></div>
<div align="left"><font face="Arial"><span style="font-size:10pt">http://genos.cnpq.br:12010/dwlattes/owa/prc_imp_cv_int?f_cod=K4765634E2</span></font></div>