[Assam] Fwd: At DC today: Inter-chapter funding- Parijat Proposal changes

umesh sharma jaipurschool at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 23 20:52:18 PDT 2007

Partha Gogoi <partha_gogoi at yahoo.com> wrote: Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2007 07:49:09 -0700 (PDT)
From: Partha Gogoi <partha_gogoi at yahoo.com>
Subject: Fwd: At DC today: Inter-chapter funding- Parijat Proposal changes
To: Shantikam <aimghy at satyam.net.in>, Nishant Jain <nishj at umich.edu>,
  Pratul Kalita <pratul_kalita at yahoo.co.in>,
  Tulika Narayan <tulikan at gmail.com>, Wahid Saleh <w.saleh at indiawijzer.nl>,
  Sid Chowdhary <schowdhary at gosps.com>, PRASANTA BORA <mailborap at gmail.com>,
  Durbadal Tamuli <durbadal at gmail.com>,
  Pankaj Gogoi <pankajgogoi666 at gmail.com>,
  Mamun <barnali_gogoi2 at rediffmail.com>,
  Sanjib Bhuyan <bhuyan at aesop.rutgers.edu>, Nomal Dutta <asafinc at aol.com>
CC: Umesh Sharma <jaipurschool at yahoo.com>,
  Ankur Bora <ankur_bora2000 at yahoo.com>,
  Krishanu Kaushik <krishanuk at gmail.com>, Dave Bora <dbora333 at yahoo.com>,
  Kaushik Barooah <kaushik.barooah at capgemini.com>,
  Anamitra Bhattacharya <anamitra_riki at yahoo.com>

 Dear friends,
    FYI.....last Saturday, it was great to meet Sandeep Pandey, the founder of Asha-for-education at the AID Community Service Hour. Sandeep is also the youngest Indian to get the Magsaysay award. Along with Sandeep was Ravi Kuchimanchi, founder of AID. Two stalwarts who have returned to India to bring change - what a memorable day!
  Sandeep gave a speech about his 2005 "Delhi to Multan" peace march and the challenges from both Indian and Pakistani Govts for visas and all related things. I asked Sandeep if he has plans to visit Assam/North East - he was interested! He had earlier visited Tamulpur, Assam near Bhutan border for a Asha conference. Ravi is definitely planning on visiting AID Guwahati in Sept/Oct. He leaves the US end of August. Ravi is deeply interested in the RTI Act movement.
  Umesh - thank you for your passionate  involvement.............I got your voicemail last night. I copy all my interested friends.

Umesh Sharma

Washington D.C. 

1-202-215-4328 [Cell]

Ed.M. - International Education Policy
Harvard Graduate School of Education,
Harvard University,
Class of 2005

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