[Assam] Who is the Sentinel of Freedom?

Dilip/Dil Deka dilipdeka at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 26 06:28:03 PDT 2007

The answer is in your own email - border districts and a full blown investigation. The drive needs to be against the officials in the border districts who according to you issue fake papers. 
  As for a long term solution to the problem of illegal Bangladeshi mass migration, there is none. Some reprieve could be gained if the political parties stop taking advantage of it and the locals stop providing means of livelihood to the immigrants. 
  Tell me why Assam did not see mass migration till the 1930's and that may explain many things.

xourov pathok <xourov at yahoo.com> wrote:
--- Dilip/Dil Deka wrote:

> " He asked what you will do about these people who
> will produce the papers and will be let go by the
> police." --
> If you are talking about those who have valid
> papers (I assume that's what you mean by "who will
> produce papers") to prove they have the right to
> remain in India, the police has to release them and
> let them resettle wherever they want to.

the principles are clear enough. but what would you
do if the "valid" papers were obtained via bribes in
border districts? you know how pervasive bribes are. 
would you press for a full blown investigation? which
would be very costly involving many man-hours? or
would you just let matters be, and let the police
release those under detention?


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