[Assam] It happens only in Assam

DR BIKASH KUMAR DAS biku006 at yahoo.co.in
Tue Aug 5 07:28:26 PDT 2008

Not only Bangaldeshi- anyone from anywhere can do in Assam.Buy the people of Asam with money.All looks for money.thanks to long live AASU agitations- who never wanted to do good studies and live in the university without anything....
See Manikumar subba, the nepali criminla, how he did pucahsed people of Sonitpur.during last elections he used to pay everyone with Rs.500 one note.All in his area was carrying a Rs.500 note.So what the use, if CBI also raids him.Blame it on our famous kharkhowa.. who forgot how to eat khar.....or make khar....
Dont you remember the story of two DHOD- PI POO/ XI XO.........( while burning on fire-one says Pithi pooriche, another says- xikati hoi xui thak).
So AASU will contunue same habit since 1972 and govt will go on as per enjoyments..bilax jatra....people will vote from anywhere....

Dr.Bikash Kumar Das

--- On Tue, 5/8/08, Jyotirmoy Sharma <jyotirmoy.sharma at gmail.com> wrote:


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