[Assam] Role of School Psychologist

Rajen & Ajanta Barua barua25 at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 6 19:54:09 PDT 2008

Role of School Psychologist
    Posted by: "Bidyananda Barkakoty" barkakoty at yahoo.co.in barkakoty
    Date: Tue Aug 5, 2008 5:23 am ((PDT))


Mrs Rani Dutta Choudhury of California, USA delivered a lecture on the topic "Role of School Psychologist" today (5th August) at Axam Jatiya Vidyalaya, Noonmati, Guwahati. Friends of Assam & Seven Sisters (FASS), Guwahati, organised the lecture which went off very well. Mrs Dutta Choudhury is a school psychologist in Berkeley High School, California, and a widely experienced teacher. The teachers of the school actively participated during the question-answer session after the lecture. On behalf of the school authorities, the Principal thanked FASS for organising the lecture on such a relevant topic at their school. FASS thanked the Rector of the school, Sri Ranjit Narayan Deka, the most dynamic and efficient administrator of the school for organising the event so nicely. 

Please note, this year in the HSLC (Class X) examination the first position holder is a boy from this school. This school is a classic example of how a vernacular school can still compete with english medium schools, with proper guidance and good adminstration.

Bidyananda Barkakoty
FASS, Guwahati
Cell : 9435046211 
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